

Android is an operating system which is free and open-source, used in various devices such as mobiles, tablets, televisions, electronic book readers etc. Kotlin is the official programming language for Android Development. Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference.

This competency area includes understanding notifications, custom views, modification & clipping of canvas objects, animations and use of motion layout.

Key Competencies: 

  1. Firebase  - Using Firebase Authentication. Email and password authentication. Understanding Firebase Database structure and usage
  2. Notifications - Sending messages to users using notifications. Designing and styling notifications by adding buttons and actions to notifications. Sending push messages using Firebase Cloud Messaging
  3. App Architecture - Understanding the fundamentals of MVVM architecture.
  4. Database - Ability of using the Room Database
  5. RestFul APIs - Fetching and posting data from database through Apis by the use of third party libraries like  Retrofit,Volley. Storing JSON format response to modal class.
  6. Custom Views - Creating custom views for an android application.
  7. Modify Canvas Objects - Building an application that allows users to paint directly on the screen
  8. Clipping Canvas Objects - Creating and displaying transformed and clipped regions to the screen. Translating the origin of a drawing surface of a region and drawing multiple shapes on a canvas
  9. Android Property Animations - Using Important UI elements and beautiful designs and Property animations
  10. Layout and Motion Layout - Building XML files by the use of Coordinate Layout,Frame Layout. Declarative XML with MotionLayout