SCPE Spring 2024

Welcome to the second Sierra Competitive Programming Exhibition!

Starts in


Yup, we're making another one!

The SCPE, or the Sierra Competitive Programming Exhibition, is an introductory contest with problems to solve within a time span, with the goal of teaching you something new. It's hosted by the Sierra College Computer Science Club. We hope that you participate not for bragging rights and prizes, but to learn!

Problems are dreamed and written by Jason Feng.

Problem list, viewable without account:


Prizes will be given in the form of merch from top tech companies, such as Google and Meta.

We will go down the winning teams list and give out prizes. Higher teams will have more choices of prizes.


  • The creator of this contest is solely responsible for setting and communicating the eligibility requirements associated with prizes awarded to participants, as well as for procurement and distribution of all prizes. The contest creator holds HackerRank harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, awards, settlements, orders, or fines.
  • Code directly from our platform, which supports over 30 languages. Learn more here.

Rules are explained in the SCPE Information and Rules document.

In summary:

  • Teams of up to three are allowed in this contest.
  • Only one computer is allowed per team, and only one person may type code at any time.
  • Use the HackerRank account you registered with, as that will let us keep track of points and prizes.
  • In-person participants will need to register on the form provided in the full document.
  • Accounts that have solved the SCPE Practice Problems will be given priority to attend, in the case we have too many signups to fit everybody.
  • Have fun, and make sure to learn something new!


  • Each challenge has a pre-determined score.
  • A participant’s score depends on the number of test cases a participant’s code submission successfully passes.
  • If a participant submits more than one solution per challenge, then the participant’s score will reflect the highest score achieved. In a game challenge, the participant's score will reflect the last code submission.
  • Participants are ranked by score. If two or more participants achieve the same score, then the tie is broken by the total time taken to submit the last solution resulting in a higher score.
  • Each problem has hidden test cases, which your code will be run on, but you will not be able to see them. These are meant for you to think critically and make sure your code will work for every case before submitting.

Sign up for SCPE Spring 2024 now.

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