#include <iostream> // strings/streams
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector> // datastructures
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>

#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <bitset>
#include <tuple> // quick compare
#include <cstdio> // utils
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
#include <cassert>

#define REP(i,n)	for(auto i = decltype(n)(0); i<(n); i++)
#define F(v)		begin(v), end(v)
constexpr bool LOG =
#ifdef _LOG

using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ii = pair<int,int>;
using vi = vector<int>;
using vb = vector<bool>;
using vvi = vector<vi>;

constexpr int  INF = 1e9+1; // < 1e9 - -1e9
constexpr ll LLINF = 1e18+1;
void Log() { if(LOG) cerr << "\n"; }
template<class T, class... S> void Log(T t, S... s){
	if(LOG) cerr << t << "\t", Log(s...);
/* ============== END OF HEADER ============== */

vi p;
vvi childs;
vector<ll> dr;

struct E{int v; ll d;};
vector<vector<E>> edges;

void dfs(int u, int par, ll droot){
	p[u] = par;
	dr[u] = droot;

	for(auto e : edges[u]){
		if(dr[e.v] < 0){
			dfs(e.v, u, droot + e.d);
struct HLD {
	int V,T;	// Size; dfs-time; input parent/childs
	vi pr, size, heavy;		// path-root; size of subtrees; heavy child
	vi t_in, t_out;			// dfs in and out times
	HLD(int root = 0) :
		V(p.size()), T(0), pr(V,-1),
		size(V,-1), heavy(V,-1), t_in(V,-1), t_out(V,-1) {
			dfs(root); set_pr(root,0);
	int dfs(int u){
		size[u] = 1; t_in[u] = T++;
		int m = -1, mi = -1, s;		// max, max index, size of subtree
		for(auto &v : childs[u]){
			size[u] += s = dfs(v);
			if(s > m) m=s, mi = v;
		heavy[u] = mi; t_out[u] = T++; return size[u];
	void set_pr(int u, int r){		// node, path root
		pr[u] = r;
		for(auto &v : childs[u]) set_pr(v, heavy[u] == v ? r : v);
	bool is_parent(int p, int u){	// test whether p is a parent of u
		return t_in[p] <= t_in[u] && t_out[p] >= t_out[u];
	int lca(int u, int v){
		while(!is_parent(pr[v],u)) v = p[pr[v]];
		while(!is_parent(pr[u],v)) u = p[pr[u]];
		return is_parent(u,v) ? u : v;

// return the number of K-nodes below node, and the total overcount
pair<int,ll> dfs2(int u, const vector<vector<E>> &childs, const vi &count){
	Log("visit",u, "nodes at u",count[u]);
	ll ans = 0;
	int child_count = count[u];

	for(auto e : childs[u]){
		Log("edge to",e.v,e.d);
		auto tmp = dfs2(e.v, childs, count);
		child_count += tmp.first;
		ans += tmp.second;
		ans += e.d * tmp.first * tmp.first;
		Log("childs ",tmp.first, " length", e.d," add ",e.d*2*tmp.first*tmp.first);

	Log("return ",child_count, ans, "from ",u);
	return {child_count, ans};

int main(){
	ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr);
	int N, T;
	cin >> N >> T;
	p.resize(N, -1);
	REP(i,N-1){ // read edges
		int a,b,c; cin >> a >> b >> c;
		--a, --b;

	// pre calculate the dfs-times and make the HLD for LCA queries
	// also, make the parent/childs representation
	dfs(0, -1, 0);
	Log("end dfs");

	HLD hld;
	Log("creating HLD done");

	// now, process all set-queries
		int S; cin >> S;
		vector<int> K(S); // the set
		Log("process first set, with size",S, "members:");
		REP(j,S) cin >> K[j], --K[j], Log(K[j]);

		ll ans = 0;
		for(auto u : K)
			ans += dr[u];
		ans *= K.size();

		// sort the set on dfs-out-time
		sort(K.begin(), K.end(), [&](int l, int r){ return hld.t_out[l] < hld.t_out[r]; });
		Log("sorted on finish time:");
		//copy(F(K), ostream_iterator<int>(cerr," "));
		//cerr << "\n";

		// calculate lca's of neighbours
		vi in_tree(K);			// add all nodes in K to the tree
		in_tree.push_back(0);	// make sure the root is in the tree

		REP(i, K.size()-1){
			in_tree.push_back(hld.lca(K[i], K[i+1]));

		// now sort everything together on out-time
		sort(in_tree.begin(), in_tree.end(), [&](int l, int r){ return hld.t_out[l] < hld.t_out[r]; });
		Log("sorted on finish time:");
		//copy(F(in_tree), ostream_iterator<int>(cerr," "));
		//cerr << "\n";

		// the new tree
		vector<vector<E>> t_childs;
		int t_size = 0;

		struct R{int u, t_u;};		// old index, and the index in the new tree
		stack<R> roots;

		map<int,int> m;

		for(auto &u : in_tree){
			Log("visit ",u);
			// skip if already done
			if(!roots.empty() && u == roots.top().u) continue;
			// add u to the tree
			int t_u = t_size++;
			m[u] = t_u;
			Log("add to root: t_u",t_u);

			// put old roots below u
			while(!roots.empty() && hld.is_parent(u, roots.top().u)){
				// make u parent of roots.top()
				Log("set cur as parent of",roots.top().u, roots.top().t_u);
				t_childs[t_u].push_back({roots.top().t_u, dr[roots.top().u] - dr[u]});
				Log("t_u has child",roots.top().t_u,"at distance ",dr[roots.top().u] - dr[u]);

			// and add u as new root
			Log("push new root",u,t_u);

		assert(roots.size()==1);	// the original parent should be a root of everything

		// bottom up dfs, subtract edge_size * childs^2 from answer
		for(auto u : m) Log("map:",u.first,u.second);
		vi t_count(t_size,0);
		for(auto u : K) t_count[m[u]]++;
		ans -= dfs2(roots.top().t_u, t_childs, t_count).second;
		cout << ans << "\n";

	return 0;