#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long lld;

struct StrangeIT
    struct Element
        int from, to;
        vector< int > arr;

    Element IT[1100002];
    int lbeg, lend;

    bool Leaf(int ind)
        return (ind>=lbeg);
    bool Legit(int ind)
        return (ind < 1100002);

    void Merge(int ch1, int ch2, int fat)
        IT[fat].from = IT[ch1].from; IT[fat].to = IT[ch2].to;

        int ind1=0, ind2=0;
        while (ind1 < IT[ch1].arr.size() || ind2 < IT[ch2].arr.size())
            if (ind2 == IT[ch2].arr.size())
                IT[fat].arr.push_back( IT[ch1].arr[ind1++] );
            else if (ind1 == IT[ch1].arr.size())
                IT[fat].arr.push_back( IT[ch2].arr[ind2++] );
                if (IT[ch1].arr[ind1] < IT[ch2].arr[ind2])
                    IT[fat].arr.push_back( IT[ch1].arr[ind1++] );
                    IT[fat].arr.push_back( IT[ch2].arr[ind2++] );
    void Init(int arr[], int n)
        lbeg = 1;
        while (lbeg < n)
            lbeg *= 2;
        lend = lbeg+n-1;

        for (int i=lend+1; i<1100002; i++)
            IT[i].from = IT[i].to = n;
        for (int i=lbeg; i<=lend; i++)
            IT[i].from = IT[i].to = i-lbeg+1;

            IT[i].arr.push_back( arr[i-lbeg+1] );
        for (int i=lbeg-1; i>=1; i--)
            if (Legit(i*2))
            Merge(i*2, i*2+1, i);

    int Count(int ind, int x, int y) /// Including
        int bl, br, bmid, bres=-1;
        int from, to;

        bl = 0; br=IT[ind].arr.size();

        while (bl <= br)
            bmid = (bl+br)/2;

            if (IT[ind].arr[bmid] >= x)
                bres = bmid;
                br = bmid-1;
                bl = bmid+1;
        from = bres;

        bl = 0; br=IT[ind].arr.size();
        bres = -1;

        while (bl <= br)
            bmid = (bl+br)/2;

            if (IT[ind].arr[bmid] <= y)
                bres = bmid;
                bl = bmid+1;
                br = bmid-1;
        to = bres;

        if (from==-1 || to==-1) return 0;
        return (to-from+1);
    int QRY(int ind, int from, int to, int x, int y)
        if (IT[ind].from > to || from > IT[ind].to) return 0;

        if (from <= IT[ind].from && IT[ind].to <= to)
            return Count(ind, x, y);

        //if (Legit(ind))
        return QRY(ind*2, from, to, x, y) + QRY(ind*2+1, from, to, x, y);
    int GetCount(int from, int to, int x, int y)
        return QRY(1, from, to, x, y);
} IntervalTree;

const int tlm1=1300*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000, tlm2 = 1500*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000, tlm3=1950*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000;
bool RunForest()
    return (clock() > tlm1);
bool ButReally_Run()
    return (clock() > tlm2);
    return (clock() > tlm3);

int n, arr[500002];
void Input()
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
        scanf("%d", &arr[i]);

int temp[500002], touse[500002];

int CNTI(int from, int to)
    if (from >= to) return 0;

    int mid = (from+to)/2;
    int ret = CNTI(from, mid)+CNTI(mid+1, to);

    int i1=from, i2=mid+1, tow=from;
    while (i1<=mid || i2<=to)
        if (i2>to)
            temp[tow++] = touse[i1++];
            ret += i2-mid-1;
        else if (i1>mid)
            temp[tow++] = touse[i2++];
            if (touse[i1] < touse[i2])
                temp[tow++] = touse[i1++];
                ret += i2-mid-1;
                temp[tow++] = touse[i2++];

    for (int i=from; i<=to; i++)
        touse[i] = temp[i];

    return ret;
int CountInversions()
    for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
        touse[i] = arr[i];
    return CNTI(1, n);

pair< lld, pair<int, int> >ans;
lld allInv;

vector<int> begstart[500002];

void TryFastSwapping(int i1, int i2)
    lld torem=0;

    torem = IntervalTree.GetCount(i1+1, n, arr[i2], arr[i1]-1);
    torem -= IntervalTree.GetCount(1, i1-1, arr[i2]+1, arr[i1]-1);
    torem += IntervalTree.GetCount(1, i2-1, arr[i2]+1, arr[i1]-1);
    torem -= IntervalTree.GetCount(i2+1, n, arr[i2]+1, arr[i1]-1);

    ans = min(ans, make_pair(allInv-torem, make_pair(i1, i2)));

vector<int> toswap1, toswap2;

lld Beautifulness(int ind)
    return ((lld)arr[ind]*(lld)arr[ind]) / ind;
double Beautifulness2(int ind)
    return (double)arr[ind]/(double)ind;
int Beautifulness3(int ind)
    return arr[ind];

bool SH1(int a, int b)
    return (Beautifulness(a) > Beautifulness(b));
bool SH2(int a, int b)
    return (Beautifulness2(a) > Beautifulness2(b));
bool SH3(int a, int b)
    return (Beautifulness3(a) > Beautifulness3(b));

int main ()
    //freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);

    allInv = CountInversions();

    IntervalTree.Init(arr, n);

    bool perfect = true;
    for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
        if (arr[i] != i)
            perfect = false;
    if (perfect)
        printf("Cool Array\n");
        return 0;

    int curmax=0, curmin=n+1;

    for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
        if (curmax>arr[i]) continue;
    for (int i=n; i>=1; i--)
        if (curmin<arr[i]) continue;
        curmin = arr[i];

    //random_shuffle(toswap1.begin(), toswap1.end());

    int toind = 0;
    bool gettinout=false;

    sort(toswap1.begin(), toswap1.end(), SH1);
    for (int i=0; i<toswap1.size(); i++)
        toind = i;
        for (int j=0; j<toswap2.size(); j++)
            if (toswap2[j] <= toswap1[i]) break;

            if (RunForest())
                gettinout = true;

            TryFastSwapping(toswap1[i], toswap2[j]);
        if (gettinout) break;

    if (gettinout)
        sort(toswap1.begin(), toswap1.end(), SH2);
        for (int i=0; i<toswap1.size(); i++)
            int from=(toswap2.size()/2+(toswap2.size()/2+toswap2.size()-1)/2)/2, to=(toswap2.size()/2+toswap2.size()-1)/2;

            for (int j=from; j<=to; j++)
                if (toswap2[j] <= toswap1[i]) break;

                if (ButReally_Run())
                    gettinout = true;

                TryFastSwapping(toswap1[i], toswap2[j]);
            if (gettinout) break;

    if (gettinout && toind+1<toswap1.size())
        sort(toswap1.begin()+toind, toswap1.end(), SH3);
        for (int i=toind; i<toswap1.size(); i++)
            toind = i;
            for (int j=0; j<toswap2.size(); j++)
                if (toswap2[j] <= toswap1[i]) break;

                if (RUNMOTHAFUCKA())
                    printf("%d %d\n", ans.second.first, ans.second.second);
                    return 0;

                TryFastSwapping(toswap1[i], toswap2[j]);

    printf("%d %d\n", ans.second.first, ans.second.second);