#define f first
#define s second
#define mp make_pair
#define INF 1000000000
using namespace std;

struct node {
	int l, r;
	int cadd;
	pair<int, int> cmax;
	node *lch, *rch;
	void update() {
		cmax = mp(0, cmax.s);
		if(lch != 0)
			cmax = max(cmax, lch->cmax);
		if(rch != 0)
			cmax = max(cmax, rch->cmax);
		cmax.f += cadd;
	node() {lch = 0, rch = 0, cadd = 0, cmax = mp(0, 0); }

//Segment tree function here

template<int N>
struct segtree {
	node vert[N];
	void init(int l = 0, int r = N/2, int cind = 0) {
		int mid = (r + l) / 2;
		vert[cind].l = l;
		vert[cind].r = r;
		vert[cind].cmax.s = -l;
		if(r - l == 1)
		vert[cind].lch = &vert[cind*2 + 1];
		vert[cind].rch = &vert[cind*2 + 2];
		init(l, mid, cind * 2 + 1);
		init(mid, r, cind * 2 + 2);
	//Here we implement the range update functions and query function
	void rangeadd(int l, int r, int toadd, int cind = 0) {
		node* cur = &vert[cind];
		if(cur->l  >=  l && cur->r  <=  r) {
			cur->cadd += toadd;
		if(cur->r  <=  l || cur->l  >=  r)
		rangeadd(l, r, toadd, cind * 2 + 1);
		rangeadd(l, r, toadd, cind * 2 + 2);
	pair<int, int> getmax(int l, int r, int toadd = 0, int cind = 0) {
		node* cur = &vert[cind];
		if(cur->l  >=  l && cur->r  <=  r)
			return mp(toadd + cur->cmax.f, cur->cmax.s);
		if(cur->r  <=  l || cur->l  >=  r)
			return mp(-INF, 0);
		return max(getmax(l, r, toadd + cur->cadd, cind * 2 + 1) ,   getmax(l, r, toadd + cur->cadd, cind * 2 + 2) );

//Main algorithm begins here

int n, p1;

vector<pair<int, int> > upperleft, lowerright, yfirst, xfirst;
vector<pair<int, int> > uly;

segtree<1048576> st;

//Assumes x-first ordering
pair<int, int> ulinfluence(pair<int, int> pt) {
	int sind = upper_bound(uly.begin(), uly.end(), mp(pt.s, INF) ) - uly.begin();
	int eind = lower_bound(upperleft.begin(), upperleft.end(), pt) - upperleft.begin();
	return mp(sind, eind);

int main() {
	cin >> n;
	for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
		cin >> p1;
		xfirst.push_back(mp(i, p1-1) );
		yfirst.push_back(mp(p1-1, i) );
	sort(yfirst.begin(), yfirst.end() );
	//Next we initialize upperleft and lowerright arrays
	uly.push_back(mp(xfirst[0].s, upperleft.size() ) );
	for(int i=1;i<n;i++) {
		if(upperleft.back().s < xfirst[i].s) {
			uly.push_back(mp(xfirst[i].s, upperleft.size() ) );
	sort(uly.begin(), uly.end() );
	for(int i=n-2; i>=0; i--)
		if(lowerright.back().s > xfirst[i].s)
	//Finally we start iterating over the lowerright values
	int yind = n-1, xind = n-1;
	pair<int, pair<int, int> > result = mp(-1, mp(-1, -1) );
	for(unsigned int lrind = 0; lrind < lowerright.size(); lrind++) {
		//First fix the upper values
		while(yfirst[yind].f > lowerright[lrind].s) {
			pair<int, int> seg = ulinfluence(mp(yfirst[yind].s, yfirst[yind].f) );
			st.rangeadd(seg.f, seg.s, 1);
		//Next fix the lower values
		while(xfirst[xind].f > lowerright[lrind].f) {
			pair<int, int> seg = ulinfluence(xfirst[xind]);
			st.rangeadd(seg.f, seg.s, -1);
		//Finally add the value to the result
		pair<int, int> seg = ulinfluence(lowerright[lrind]);
		pair<int, int> mval = st.getmax(seg.f, seg.s);
		result = max(result,  mp(mval.f, mp(-upperleft[-mval.s].f,  -lowerright[lrind].f) )  );
	//Finally we are ready to output the result
	if(result.f == -1)
		cout << "Cool Array\n";
		cout << -result.s.f + 1 << ' ' << -result.s.s + 1 << '\n';
	return 0;