#include #define ll long long #define mod 1000000007 using namespace std; //Global declarations vector v; //Global declarations DONE int main() { /*#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("inp.txt", "r", stdin); #endif*/ //Variables to be used ; ll i,n,t; ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); //FAST INPUT DONE cin>>n; string s; ll m; cin>>s; ll l=s.length(); ll up,lo,dig,sp,ans; up=0; lo=0; dig=0; sp=0; ans=0; for(i=0;i=65 && s[i]<=90) up++; if(s[i]>=97 && s[i]<=122) lo++; if(s[i]>=48 && s[i]<=57) dig++; if(s[i]=='!' || s[i]=='@' || s[i]=='#' || s[i]=='$' || s[i]=='%' || s[i]=='^' || s[i]=='&' || s[i]=='*' || s[i]=='+' || s[i]=='-' || s[i]=='(' || s[i]==')') sp++; } if(up==0) ans++; if(lo==0) ans++; if(dig==0) ans++; if(sp==0) ans++; m=0; if((ans+n) <6) cout<<(6-n)<