#!/bin/python import sys def printShortestPath(n, i_start, j_start, i_end, j_end): # Print the distance along with the sequence of moves. if((i_end-i_start)%2==1): print "Impossible" sys.exit() l=[] if(j_start<=j_end): if(i_start>=i_end): while(i_start!=i_end): i_start-=2 j_start+=1 l.append("UR") while(j_start=j_end): if(i_start>=i_end): while(i_start!=i_end): i_start-=2 j_start-=1 l.append("UL") while(j_start>j_end): j_start-=2 l.append("L") if(i_start<=i_end): while(i_start!=i_end): i_start+=2 j_start-=1 l.append("LL") while(j_start>j_end): j_start-=2 l.append("L") le=len(l) x=0 while(x!=le): if(x!=le-1 and l[x][1]!=l[x+1] and len(l[x])!=len(l[x+1])): l[x]=l[x][0]+l[x+1] l.remove(l[x+1]) le-=1 x+=1 print le for x in l: print x, if __name__ == "__main__": n = int(raw_input().strip()) i_start, j_start, i_end, j_end = raw_input().strip().split(' ') i_start, j_start, i_end, j_end = [int(i_start), int(j_start), int(i_end), int(j_end)] printShortestPath(n, i_start, j_start, i_end, j_end)