const dx:array[1..6] of longint=(-2,-2,0,2,2,0); dy:array[1..6] of longint=(-1,1,2,1,-1,-2); var stx,sty,u,v,x,y,i,n,bot,top,edx,edy,id:longint; chieu,link,kt,d:array[0..1000,0..1000] of longint; ans,stkx,stky:array[0..100009] of longint; procedure push(u,v:longint); begin inc(top); stkx[top]:=u; stky[top]:=v; kt[u,v]:=1; link[u,v]:=bot; end; procedure bfs; var i:longint; begin repeat inc(bot); x:=stkx[bot]; y:=stky[bot]; for i:=1 to 6 do begin u:=x+dx[i]; v:=y+dy[i]; if (u>n-1) or (V>n-1) or (u<0) or (v<0) then continue; if kt[u,v]=0 then begin d[u,v]:=d[x,y]+1; push(u,v); chieu[u,v]:=i; end; end; until top=bot; if d[edx,edy]=-1 then begin writeln('Impossible'); end else begin writeln(d[edx,edy]); top:=0; u:=edx; v:=edy; repeat inc(top); ans[top]:=chieu[u,v]; id:=link[u,v]; u:=stkx[id]; v:=stky[id]; until (u=stx) and (V=sty); for i:=top downto 1 do begin if ans[i]=1 then write('UL '); if ans[i]=2 then write('UR '); if ans[i]=3 then write('R '); if ans[i]=4 then write('LR '); if ans[i]=5 then write('LL '); if ans[i]=6 then write('L '); end; end; end; begin readln(n); readln(stx,sty,edx,edy); d[edx,edy]:=-1; d[stx,sty]:=0; push(stx,sty); bfs; end.