import sys def printShortestPath(n, i_start, j_start, i_end, j_end): # Print the distance along with the sequence of moves. List = [] i=i_start j=j_start if (i_start-i_end)%2 != 0: print('Impossible') return while(True): if i==i_end and j==j_end: break if i == i_end: if abs(j-j_end)%2 == 0: for _ in range(int(abs((j-j_end)/2))): List.append('R' if ji_end or j>j_end): print('Impossible') return else: List.append('LR') i+=2 j+=1 elif i_start < i_end and j_start > j_end: if(i>i_end or j i_end and j_start < j_end: if(ij_end): print('Impossible') return else: List.append('UR') i-=2 j+=1 elif i_start > i_end and j_start > j_end: if(i