import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Sorting is often useful as the first step in many different tasks. The most * common task may to be make things easier to find later, but there are other * uses also. * * Challenge Given a list of unsorted numbers, can you find the numbers that * have the smallest absolute difference between them? If there are multiple * pairs, find them all. * * Input Format There will be two lines of input: * * n - the size of the list array - the n numbers of the list Output Format * Output the pairs of numbers with the smallest difference. If there are * multiple pairs, output all of them in ascending order, all on the same line * (consecutively) with just a single space between each pair of numbers. If * there's a number which lies in two pair, print it two times (see sample case * #3 for explanation). * * Constraints 10 <= n <= 200000 -(107) <= x <= (107), x is in array arrary[i] != * array[j], 0 <= i, j < N and i != j * * Sample Input #1 * * 10 -20 -3916237 -357920 -3620601 7374819 -7330761 30 6246457 -6461594 266854 * Sample Output #1 * * -20 30 Explanation 30- -20 = 50, which is the smallest difference. * * Sample Input #2 * * 12 -20 -3916237 -357920 -3620601 7374819 -7330761 30 6246457 -6461594 266854 * -520 -470 Sample Output #2 * * -520 -470 -20 30 Explanation (-470)-(-520) = 30- (-20) = 50, which is the * smallest difference. * * Sample Input #3 * * 4 5 4 3 2 Sample Output #3 * * 2 3 3 4 4 5 Explanation Here minimum difference will be 1. So valid pairs (2, * 3), (3, 4), (4, 5). So we have to print 2 one time, 3 and 4 two times and 5 * one time. * * Link: * * @author Rohit Sinha * Date: 03/27/2014 * */ public class ClosestNumbers { /** * Function which creates a an integer array from string consisting of * integers separated by spaces. Throws a {@link IllegalArgumentException} * if the number of integers present in the string is not equal to the size * expected * * @param elements * : String containing integers separated by a space * @param size * : the expected number of integers in the string supplied * @return : an int array which contains size number of integers */ private static long[] getElements(String elements, int size) { String[] elementsArray = elements.trim().split(" "); if (elementsArray.length != size) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of elements in the list does not match the size provided"); long[] numbers = new long[size]; int index = 0; // extract integers for (String ele : elementsArray) { numbers[index++] = Long.parseLong(ele); } return numbers; } /** * Function to find minimum difference between two elements in the given * array Reference: * * * @param array * : array containing the elements * @param start * : the starting index * @param end * : the end index * @return: minimum difference between two pair of elements from the start * to end indices */ private static long findMinDiff(long[] array, int start, int end) { if (start == end) // base case return Long.MAX_VALUE; else if (end - start == 1) // base case return (array[end] - array[start]); int mid = (start + end) / 2; // the middle index long leftDiff = Math.abs(findMinDiff(array, start, mid)); // calculate the min diff for left side long rightDiff = Math.abs(findMinDiff(array, mid + 1, end)); // calculate the min diff for right side long diffMid = Math.abs(array[mid + 1] - array[mid]); // for case when we have one element on each side return Math.min(diffMid, Math.min(leftDiff, rightDiff)); // return the min of all three differences } /** * Function to print the pairs of number which are closest to each other in * a sorted array. There can be more than one such pair. * * @param array * : a non-decreasing array of numbers * @param arraySize * : the size of the array */ private static void printClosestNumbers(long[] array, int arraySize) { long minDiff = findMinDiff(array, 0, arraySize - 1); // find the minimum difference for (int i = 0; i < arraySize - 1; i++) { // print all pair of numbers which have the difference between them //equal to minimum diff if (Math.abs(array[i + 1] - array[i]) == minDiff) { System.out.print(array[i] + " " + array[i + 1] + " "); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; try { int listSize = Integer.parseInt(input.readLine()); long[] list = getElements(input.readLine(), listSize); // sort this array Arrays.sort(list); // find Closest numbers in the array printClosestNumbers(list, listSize); input.close(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Caught NumberFormatException: Error in coverting to interger"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Caught IOException: Error in reading input from stdin"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }