'''input 6 1 4 4 4 5 3 ''' import sys pow2 = pow # for modular expo pow2(base, n, mod) from math import * from time import time from collections import defaultdict from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left from string import ascii_lowercase as lcs from string import ascii_uppercase as ucs from fractions import Fraction, gcd from decimal import Decimal, getcontext from itertools import product, permutations, combinations #getcontext().prec = 500 #sys.setrecursionlimit(30000) mod = 10**9 + 7 INF = sys.maxint raw_input = lambda: sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() die = lambda : exit(0) flush= lambda : sys.stdout.flush() r_s = lambda: raw_input().strip() #read str r_ss = lambda: raw_input().split() #read stringss r_i = lambda: int(raw_input()) #read int r_is = lambda: map(int, raw_input().split())#read ints r_f = lambda: float(raw_input()) #read float r_fs = lambda: map(Decimal, raw_input().split()) #read floats # For effieciently taking lots of queries with each query in a separate line # having integer values separated by space. A 2d list is made with each row # corresponding to line. Each row is a list with all the values. # Use this for fast I/O by taking all input in one go. r_qs = lambda: map(lambda s:map(int, s.split(' ')), sys.stdin.readlines()) '''-------------------------------------------------------------------''' n = r_i() types = r_is() count = defaultdict(int) for t in types: count[t]+=1 minval = None mincode = None for key in count: if minval == None: minval = count[key] mincode = key else: if count[key]>minval: minval = count[key] mincode= key elif count[key]==minval and key