#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <string> #include <bitset> #include <cstdio> #include <limits> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <numeric> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <unordered_map> //generate all possible unique destinations from (0,0) in an integer no of steps //stop once no new unique destination can be obtained this will be at some step k //there are a max of n^2 unique destinations, since we only generate new destinations at each level of tree //k is guaranteed to be finite using namespace std; int getMinSteps(int a, int b, int n){ //bool hasBeenDiscovered[n][n]; std::vector<std::vector<bool>> hasBeenDiscovered(n,std::vector<bool>(n, false)); int minSteps=-1,x=0,y=0,currentLevel=1; pair<int,int> currentNode; pair<int,int> lastNodeCopyInCurrentLevel,endOfQueue; queue<pair<int,int>> nextNodesInBFS;//stores the coordinates of the next node as we traverse the tree BFS style int TotalReachableNodes=1; //possible displacements (deltax, deltay); std::pair<int,int> * displacements=new pair<int,int>[8]; displacements[0]=make_pair(a,b); displacements[1]=make_pair(a,-b); displacements[2]=make_pair(-a,b); displacements[3]=make_pair(-a,-b); displacements[4]=make_pair(b,a); displacements[5]=make_pair(b,-a); displacements[6]=make_pair(-b,a); displacements[7]=make_pair(-b,-a); //initialise queue for(int i=0;i!=8;i++){ int x2=x+displacements[i].first,y2=y+displacements[i].second; if(x2>=0 && x2<n && y2>=0 && y2<n && !hasBeenDiscovered[x2][y2]) { //if(a==1 && b==4) cout<<"* node "<<x2<<" "<<y2<<endl; hasBeenDiscovered[x2][y2]=true; nextNodesInBFS.push(make_pair(x2,y2));//only store new/undiscovered destinations in queue endOfQueue=make_pair(x2,y2); //DEBUG++TotalReachableNodes; } } lastNodeCopyInCurrentLevel=endOfQueue; //generate all children but stop if one reaches desired destination otherwise stop when all possible cells discovered while(!nextNodesInBFS.empty()){ currentNode=nextNodesInBFS.front(); x=currentNode.first,y=currentNode.second; //if(a==1 && b==4) cout<<"** node "<<x<<" "<<y<<endl; //determine if current node is desired destination if(x==n-1 && y==n-1){ minSteps=currentLevel; break; } //reaching here means current node is not desired destination //add all undiscovered destinations reachable from currentNode to queue for(int i=0;i!=8;i++){ int x2=x+displacements[i].first,y2=y+displacements[i].second; //if(a==1 && b==4) cout<<"* considered"<<x2<<" "<<y2<<" "<<hasBeenDiscovered[x2][y2]<<endl; if(x2>=0 && x2<n && y2>=0 && y2<n && !hasBeenDiscovered[x2][y2]) { hasBeenDiscovered[x2][y2]=true; nextNodesInBFS.push(make_pair(x2,y2));//only store new/undiscovered destinations in queue endOfQueue=make_pair(x2,y2); } } //mark node as visited and remove from queue nextNodesInBFS.pop(); //update level if(currentNode==lastNodeCopyInCurrentLevel){ ++currentLevel; lastNodeCopyInCurrentLevel=endOfQueue; } } //DEBUGcout<<TotalReachableNodes<<endl; return minSteps; } int main(){ int n,temp=1; cin >> n; int results[n-1][n-1]={0}; for(int a=1;a!=n;a++){ for(int b=temp;b!=n;b++){ int minSteps=getMinSteps(a,b,n); results[a-1][b-1]=minSteps; if(a!=b) results[b-1][a-1]=minSteps;//(a,b) & (b,a) result in the same possible moves from any source } ++temp; } //print results for(int i=0;i!=n-1;i++){ for(int j=0;j!=n-1;j++) { const char endChar=(j==n-2)?'\n':' '; cout<<results[i][j]<<endChar; } } return 0; }