
import sys

n = int(raw_input().strip())
# your code goes here

jumps = []

def jumper(curr, inc):
    pos1 = [curr[0] + inc[0], curr[1] + inc[1]]
    pos2 = [curr[0] + inc[1], curr[1] + inc[0]]
    pos3 = [curr[0] - inc[0], curr[1] + inc[1]]
    pos4 = [curr[0] - inc[1], curr[1] + inc[0]]
    pos5 = [curr[0] + inc[1], curr[1] - inc[0]]
    pos6 = [curr[0] + inc[0], curr[1] - inc[1]]
    pos7 = [curr[0] - inc[1], curr[1] - inc[0]]
    pos8 = [curr[0] - inc[0], curr[1] - inc[1]]
    return pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8

for x in range (1, n):
    jumps.append([-1 for i in range(n-1)])
    for y in range(1, n):
        start = [0, 0]
        past_positions = [[0, 0]]
        end = [n-1, n-1]
        inc = [x, y]
        jump = 0
        madeit = False
        next_ps = jumper(start, inc)
        while madeit == False:
            jump += 1
            positions = []
            #print next_ps
            #print past_positions
            for next_p in next_ps:
                if cmp(next_p, end) == 0:
                    madeit = True                    
                    if next_p[0] >= 0 and next_p[1] >= 0 and (next_p[0] <= (n-1)) and (next_p[1] <= (n-1)):
                        if next_p not in past_positions:                            
                #print past_positions
                #print positions
            #print past_positions
            if madeit == False:
                if len(positions) == 0:
                next_ps = ()
                for p in positions:
                    #print p
                    if p not in past_positions:
                        next_ps = next_ps + jumper(p, inc)          
                        #print next_ps
        if madeit:
            jumps[x-1][y-1] = jump

for j in jumps:
    print ' '.join(map(str, j))