
import sys

def getMoves(a,b):
    moves = []
    moves.append([ a,  b])
    moves.append([ a, -b])
    moves.append([-a,  b])
    moves.append([-a, -b])
    moves.append([ b,  a])
    moves.append([ b, -a])
    moves.append([-b,  a])
    moves.append([-b, -a])    
    return moves

def getFrontier(i,j,moves,n,visited):
    frontier = []
    atCorner = 0
    k = 0
    for m in moves:
        if (i + m[0] < n and i + m[0] >= 0\
           and j + m[1] < n and j + m[1] >= 0):
            if visited.has_key(n * (i + m[0]) + j + m[1]):
                frontier.append([i + m[0],j + m[1]])
                visited[n*(i + m[0]) + j + m[1]] = 1
                if (frontier[k][0] == n - 1 and frontier[k][1] == n - 1):
                    atCorner = 1
                k += 1
    return frontier, atCorner

n = int(raw_input().strip())

totalMoves = []
for i in range(1,n):
    thisRowMoves = []
    for j in range(1,n):
        currentFrontier = [[0,0]]
        # We want to keep track of squares we already
        # visited.  Number the squares from the top right
        # corner as n * i + j
        visitedSquares  = dict([])
        visitedSquares[0] = 1
        x = 0
        y = 0
        atCorner = 0
        nMoves   = 0
        moves = getMoves(i,j)
        while (atCorner == 0 and nMoves < 1000):
            newFrontier = []
            nMoves += 1
            for p in currentFrontier:                
                f, corner = getFrontier(p[0],p[1],moves,n,visitedSquares)
                newFrontier += f
                if (corner == 1):
                    atCorner = 1
            #print newFrontier
            currentFrontier = newFrontier;
        if (nMoves == 1000):
            nMoves = -1
        #print visitedSquares

for rawLine in totalMoves:
    outStr = ""
    for val in rawLine:
        outStr += str(val) + " "
    print outStr