#define BURG 206 #define CAN 145 #define combo 351 #include stdio.h void main(){ int burgp,canp,combop,n1,n2,n3; combop(n2){ printf("enter no of combo") scanf("%d",n2); for(combop=3;combop>=2000;combop++) {printf("%d",combop*n2);} } sodap(n3,combop){ printf("enter no of combo") scanf("%d",n3); for(sodap=3;sodapp>=combop;sodap++) {printf("%d",sodapp*n2);} } burgp(n1,sodap){ printf("enter no of combo") scanf("%d",n1); for(burgp=2;burgp>=sodap;burgp++) {printf("%d",burgp*n1);} } profit(burgp,sodap,combop,n1,n2,n3){ int profit=(burgp*n1)+(sodap*n2)+(combop*n2); } //scenario(t) says 100 cases which means i didn't get it here //no of combos should range between 1 to 2000 so max no of combos //no of burgers order should be min of 2 and combos should be greater than sodas //above line means sodas min value is 3 and max greater than 2000 //profit can be calculated by defining fxns for each items and profit fxn has addition of all. }