import java.awt.*; import*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static java.lang.Math.min; public class B implements Runnable{ // SOLUTION AT THE TOP OF CODE!!! // HACK ME PLEASE IF YOU CAN!!! // PLEASE!!! // PLEASE!!! // PLEASE!!! private final static boolean FIRST_INPUT_STRING = false; private final static boolean MULTIPLE_TESTS = true; private final boolean ONLINE_JUDGE = !new File("input.txt").exists(); // private final boolean ONLINE_JUDGE = System.getProperty("ONLINE_JUDGE") != null; private final static int MAX_STACK_SIZE = 128; private final static boolean OPTIMIZE_READ_NUMBERS = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final static Random rnd = new Random(); private final static String fileName = ""; private final static long MODULO = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + 7; static final int OPEN = -1, CLOSE = -2, CITY = 0; static class Event implements Comparable { long x; int type; int index; public Event(long x, int type, int index) { this.x = x; this.type = type; this.index = index; } @Override public int compareTo(Event other) { if (this.x != other.x) return, other.x); if (this.type == OPEN) { return (other.type == OPEN ? 0 : -1); } if (other.type == OPEN) { return 1; } if (this.type == CLOSE) { return (other.type == CLOSE ? 0 : 1); } if (other.type == CLOSE) { return -1; } return, other.type); } } // THERE SOLUTION STARTS!!! private void solve() { int citiesCount = readInt(); long[] sizes = readLongArray(citiesCount); long[] xs = readLongArray(citiesCount); int cloudsCount = readInt(); long[] centers = readLongArray(cloudsCount); long[] radiuses = readLongArray(cloudsCount); List events = new ArrayList<>(); for (int cloud = 0; cloud < cloudsCount; ++cloud) { events.add(new Event(centers[cloud] - radiuses[cloud], OPEN, cloud)); events.add(new Event(centers[cloud] + radiuses[cloud], CLOSE, cloud)); } for (int city = 0; city < citiesCount; ++city) { events.add(new Event(xs[city], CITY, city)); } Collections.sort(events); long answer = 0; int openClouds = 0; Set openCloudsSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); long[] cloudSizes = new long[cloudsCount]; for (Event event : events) { if (event.type == OPEN) { ++openClouds; openCloudsSet.add(event.index); } else if (event.type == CLOSE) { --openClouds; openCloudsSet.remove(event.index); } else if (openClouds == 0) { answer += sizes[event.index]; } else if (openClouds == 1) { int openIndex = openCloudsSet.iterator().next(); cloudSizes[openIndex] += sizes[event.index]; } } answer += getMax(cloudSizes); out.println(answer); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static long add(long a, long b) { return (a + b) % MODULO; } private static long subtract(long a, long b) { return add(a, MODULO - b % MODULO); } private static long mult(long a, long b) { return (a * b) % MODULO; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void run(){ try{ timeInit(); Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); init(); if (ONLINE_JUDGE) { solve(); } else { do { try { timeInit(); solve(); time(); out.println(); out.flush(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { break; } catch (NullPointerException e) { if (FIRST_INPUT_STRING) break; else throw e; } } while (MULTIPLE_TESTS); } out.close(); time(); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-1); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private BufferedReader in; private OutputWriter out; private StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(""); public static void main(String[] args){ new Thread(null, new B(), "", MAX_STACK_SIZE * (1L << 20)).start(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void init() throws FileNotFoundException{ Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); if (ONLINE_JUDGE){ if (fileName.isEmpty()) { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; out = new OutputWriter(System.out); } else { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName + ".in")); out = new OutputWriter(fileName + ".out"); } }else{ in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("input.txt")); out = new OutputWriter("output.txt"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private long timeBegin; private void timeInit() { this.timeBegin = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private void time(){ long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println("Time = " + (timeEnd - timeBegin)); } private void debug(Object... objects){ if (ONLINE_JUDGE){ for (Object o: objects){ System.err.println(o.toString()); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String delim = " "; private String readLine() { try { return in.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } private String readString() { try { while(!tok.hasMoreTokens()){ tok = new StringTokenizer(readLine(), delim); } return tok.nextToken(delim); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return null; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final char NOT_A_SYMBOL = '\0'; private char readChar() { try { int intValue =; if (intValue == -1){ return NOT_A_SYMBOL; } return (char) intValue; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } private char[] readCharArray() { return readLine().toCharArray(); } private char[][] readCharField(int rowsCount) { char[][] field = new char[rowsCount][]; for (int row = 0; row < rowsCount; ++row) { field[row] = readCharArray(); } return field; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private long optimizedReadLong() { int sign = 1; long result = 0; boolean started = false; while (true) { try { int j =; if (-1 == j) { if (started) return sign * result; throw new NumberFormatException(); } if (j == '-') { if (started) throw new NumberFormatException(); sign = -sign; } if ('0' <= j && j <= '9') { result = result * 10 + j - '0'; started = true; } else if (started) { return sign * result; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } } private int readInt() { if (!OPTIMIZE_READ_NUMBERS) { return Integer.parseInt(readString()); } else { return (int) optimizedReadLong(); } } private int[] readIntArray(int size) { int[] array = new int[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index){ array[index] = readInt(); } return array; } private int[] readSortedIntArray(int size) { Integer[] array = new Integer[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index) { array[index] = readInt(); } Arrays.sort(array); int[] sortedArray = new int[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index) { sortedArray[index] = array[index]; } return sortedArray; } private int[] readIntArrayWithDecrease(int size) { int[] array = readIntArray(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { array[i]--; } return array; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int[][] readIntMatrix(int rowsCount, int columnsCount) { int[][] matrix = new int[rowsCount][]; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsCount; ++rowIndex) { matrix[rowIndex] = readIntArray(columnsCount); } return matrix; } private int[][] readIntMatrixWithDecrease(int rowsCount, int columnsCount) { int[][] matrix = new int[rowsCount][]; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsCount; ++rowIndex) { matrix[rowIndex] = readIntArrayWithDecrease(columnsCount); } return matrix; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private long readLong() { if (!OPTIMIZE_READ_NUMBERS) { return Long.parseLong(readString()); } else { return optimizedReadLong(); } } private long[] readLongArray(int size) { long[] array = new long[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index){ array[index] = readLong(); } return array; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private double readDouble() { return Double.parseDouble(readString()); } private double[] readDoubleArray(int size) { double[] array = new double[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index){ array[index] = readDouble(); } return array; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private BigInteger readBigInteger() { return new BigInteger(readString()); } private BigDecimal readBigDecimal() { return new BigDecimal(readString()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Point readPoint() { int x = readInt(); int y = readInt(); return new Point(x, y); } private Point[] readPointArray(int size) { Point[] array = new Point[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index){ array[index] = readPoint(); } return array; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Deprecated private List[] readGraph(int vertexNumber, int edgeNumber) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List[] graph = new List[vertexNumber]; for (int index = 0; index < vertexNumber; ++index){ graph[index] = new ArrayList(); } while (edgeNumber-- > 0){ int from = readInt() - 1; int to = readInt() - 1; graph[from].add(to); graph[to].add(from); } return graph; } private static class GraphBuilder { final int size; final List[] edges; static GraphBuilder createInstance(int size) { List[] edges = new List[size]; for (int v = 0; v < size; ++v) { edges[v] = new ArrayList(); } return new GraphBuilder(edges); } private GraphBuilder(List[] edges) { this.size = edges.length; this.edges = edges; } public void addEdge(int from, int to) { addDirectedEdge(from, to); addDirectedEdge(to, from); } public void addDirectedEdge(int from, int to) { edges[from].add(to); } public int[][] build() { int[][] graph = new int[size][]; for (int v = 0; v < size; ++v) { List vEdges = edges[v]; graph[v] = castInt(vEdges); } return graph; } } private final static int ZERO_INDEXATION = 0, ONE_INDEXATION = 1; private int[][] readUnweightedGraph(int vertexNumber, int edgesNumber) { return readUnweightedGraph(vertexNumber, edgesNumber, ONE_INDEXATION, false); } private int[][] readUnweightedGraph(int vertexNumber, int edgesNumber, int indexation, boolean directed ) { GraphBuilder graphBuilder = GraphBuilder.createInstance(vertexNumber); for (int i = 0; i < edgesNumber; ++i) { int from = readInt() - indexation; int to = readInt() - indexation; if (directed) graphBuilder.addDirectedEdge(from, to); else graphBuilder.addEdge(from, to); } return; } private static class Edge { int to; int w; Edge(int to, int w) { = to; this.w = w; } } private Edge[][] readWeightedGraph(int vertexNumber, int edgesNumber) { return readWeightedGraph(vertexNumber, edgesNumber, ONE_INDEXATION, false); } private Edge[][] readWeightedGraph(int vertexNumber, int edgesNumber, int indexation, boolean directed) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List[] graph = new List[vertexNumber]; for (int v = 0; v < vertexNumber; ++v) { graph[v] = new ArrayList(); } while (edgesNumber --> 0) { int from = readInt() - indexation; int to = readInt() - indexation; int w = readInt(); graph[from].add(new Edge(to, w)); if (!directed) graph[to].add(new Edge(from, w)); } Edge[][] graphArrays = new Edge[vertexNumber][]; for (int v = 0; v < vertexNumber; ++v) { graphArrays[v] = graph[v].toArray(new Edge[0]); } return graphArrays; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class IntIndexPair { static Comparator increaseComparator = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(B.IntIndexPair indexPair1, B.IntIndexPair indexPair2) { int value1 = indexPair1.value; int value2 = indexPair2.value; if (value1 != value2) return value1 - value2; int index1 = indexPair1.index; int index2 = indexPair2.index; return index1 - index2; } }; static Comparator decreaseComparator = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(B.IntIndexPair indexPair1, B.IntIndexPair indexPair2) { int value1 = indexPair1.value; int value2 = indexPair2.value; if (value1 != value2) return -(value1 - value2); int index1 = indexPair1.index; int index2 = indexPair2.index; return index1 - index2; } }; static IntIndexPair[] from(int[] array) { IntIndexPair[] iip = new IntIndexPair[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { iip[i] = new IntIndexPair(array[i], i); } return iip; } int value, index; IntIndexPair(int value, int index) { super(); this.value = value; this.index = index; } int getRealIndex() { return index + 1; } } private IntIndexPair[] readIntIndexArray(int size) { IntIndexPair[] array = new IntIndexPair[size]; for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index) { array[index] = new IntIndexPair(readInt(), index); } return array; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class OutputWriter extends PrintWriter { final int DEFAULT_PRECISION = 12; private int precision; private String format, formatWithSpace; { precision = DEFAULT_PRECISION; format = createFormat(precision); formatWithSpace = format + " "; } OutputWriter(OutputStream out) { super(out); } OutputWriter(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException { super(fileName); } int getPrecision() { return precision; } void setPrecision(int precision) { precision = max(0, precision); this.precision = precision; format = createFormat(precision); formatWithSpace = format + " "; } String createFormat(int precision){ return "%." + precision + "f"; } @Override public void print(double d){ printf(format, d); } @Override public void println(double d){ print(d); println(); } void printWithSpace(double d){ printf(formatWithSpace, d); } void printAll(double...d){ for (int i = 0; i < d.length - 1; ++i){ printWithSpace(d[i]); } print(d[d.length - 1]); } void printlnAll(double... d){ printAll(d); println(); } void printAll(int... array) { for (int value : array) { print(value + " "); } } void printlnAll(int... array) { printAll(array); println(); } void printAll(long... array) { for (long value : array) { print(value + " "); } } void printlnAll(long... array) { printAll(array); println(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class RuntimeIOException extends RuntimeException { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6463830523020118289L; RuntimeIOException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// Some useful constants andTo functions //////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static final int[][] steps = {{-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}}; private static final int[][] steps8 = { {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1} }; private static boolean checkCell(int row, int rowsCount, int column, int columnsCount) { return checkIndex(row, rowsCount) && checkIndex(column, columnsCount); } private static boolean checkIndex(int index, int lim){ return (0 <= index && index < lim); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static int getBit(long mask, int bit) { return (int)((mask >> bit) & 1); } private static boolean checkBit(long mask, int bit){ return getBit(mask, bit) != 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static long getSum(int[] array) { long sum = 0; for (int value: array) { sum += value; } return sum; } private static long getMax(long[] array) { long max = array[0]; for (long value : array) max = Math.max(max, value); return max; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static boolean isPrime(int x) { if (x < 2) return false; for (int d = 2; d * d <= x; ++d) { if (x % d == 0) return false; } return true; } private static int[] getPrimes(int n) { boolean[] used = new boolean[n]; used[0] = used[1] = true; int size = 0; for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i) { if (!used[i]) { ++size; for (int j = 2 * i; j < n; j += i) { used[j] = true; } } } int[] primes = new int[size]; for (int i = 0, cur = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!used[i]) { primes[cur++] = i; } } return primes; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int[] getDivisors(int value) { List divisors = new ArrayList(); for (int divisor = 1; divisor * divisor <= value; ++divisor) { if (value % divisor == 0) { divisors.add(divisor); if (divisor * divisor != value) { divisors.add(value / divisor); } } } return castInt(divisors); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static long lcm(long a, long b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; } private static long gcd(long a, long b) { return (a == 0 ? b : gcd(b % a, a)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private interface MultiSet { int size(); void inc(ValueType value); boolean dec(ValueType value); int count(ValueType value); } private static abstract class MultiSetImpl > implements MultiSet { protected final MapType map; protected int size; protected MultiSetImpl(MapType map) { = map; this.size = 0; } public int size() { return size; } public void inc(ValueType value) { int count = count(value); map.put(value, count + 1); ++size; } public boolean dec(ValueType value) { int count = count(value); if (count == 0) return false; if (count == 1) map.remove(value); else map.put(value, count - 1); --size; return true; } public int count(ValueType value) { Integer count = map.get(value); return (count == null ? 0 : count); } } private static class HashMultiSet extends MultiSetImpl> { public static MultiSet createMultiSet() { Map map = new HashMap(); return new HashMultiSet(map); } HashMultiSet(Map map) { super(map); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private interface SortedMultiSet extends MultiSet { ValueType min(); ValueType max(); ValueType pollMin(); ValueType pollMax(); ValueType lower(ValueType value); ValueType floor(ValueType value); ValueType ceiling(ValueType value); ValueType higher(ValueType value); } private static abstract class SortedMultiSetImpl extends MultiSetImpl> implements SortedMultiSet { SortedMultiSetImpl(NavigableMap map) { super(map); } @Override public ValueType min() { return (size == 0 ? null : map.firstKey()); } @Override public ValueType max() { return (size == 0 ? null : map.lastKey()); } @Override public ValueType pollMin() { ValueType first = min(); if (first != null) dec(first); return first; } @Override public ValueType pollMax() { ValueType last = max(); dec(last); return last; } @Override public ValueType lower(ValueType value) { return map.lowerKey(value); } @Override public ValueType floor(ValueType value) { return map.floorKey(value); } @Override public ValueType ceiling(ValueType value) { return map.ceilingKey(value); } @Override public ValueType higher(ValueType value) { return map.higherKey(value); } } private static class TreeMultiSet extends SortedMultiSetImpl { public static SortedMultiSet createMultiSet() { NavigableMap map = new TreeMap(); return new TreeMultiSet(map); } TreeMultiSet(NavigableMap map) { super(map); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class IdMap extends HashMap { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3793737771950984481L; public IdMap() { super(); } int register(KeyType key) { Integer id = super.get(key); if (id == null) { super.put(key, id = size()); } return id; } int getId(KeyType key) { return get(key); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class SortedIdMapper> { private List values; public SortedIdMapper() { this.values = new ArrayList(); } void addValue(ValueType value) { values.add(value); } IdMap build() { Collections.sort(values); IdMap ids = new IdMap(); List uniqueValues = new ArrayList(); for (int index = 0; index < values.size(); ++index) { ValueType value = values.get(index); if (index == 0 || values.get(index - 1).compareTo(value) != 0) { ids.register(value); uniqueValues.add(value); } } values = uniqueValues; return ids; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static int[] castInt(List list) { int[] array = new int[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { array[i] = list.get(i); } return array; } private static long[] castLong(List list) { long[] array = new long[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { array[i] = list.get(i); } return array; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Generates list with keys 0.. order(int n) { List sequence = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sequence.add(i); } return sequence; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// interface Rmq { int getMin(int left, int right); int getMinIndex(int left, int right); } private static class SparseTable implements Rmq { private static final int MAX_BIT = 20; int n; int[] array; SparseTable(int[] array) { this.n = array.length; this.array = array; } int[] lengthMaxBits; int[][] table; int getIndexOfLess(int leftIndex, int rightIndex) { return (array[leftIndex] <= array[rightIndex]) ? leftIndex : rightIndex; } SparseTable build() { this.lengthMaxBits = new int[n + 1]; lengthMaxBits[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { lengthMaxBits[i] = lengthMaxBits[i - 1]; int length = (1 << lengthMaxBits[i]); if (length + length <= i) ++lengthMaxBits[i]; } this.table = new int[MAX_BIT][n]; table[0] = castInt(order(n)); for (int bit = 0; bit < MAX_BIT - 1; ++bit) { for (int i = 0, j = (1 << bit); j < n; ++i, ++j) { table[bit + 1][i] = getIndexOfLess( table[bit][i], table[bit][j] ); } } return this; } @Override public int getMinIndex(int left, int right) { int length = (right - left + 1); int bit = lengthMaxBits[length]; int segmentLength = (1 << bit); return getIndexOfLess( table[bit][left], table[bit][right - segmentLength + 1] ); } @Override public int getMin(int left, int right) { return array[getMinIndex(left, right)]; } } private static Rmq createRmq(int[] array) { return new SparseTable(array).build(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// interface Lca { Lca build(int root); int lca(int a, int b); int height(int v); } private static class LcaRmq implements Lca { int n; int[][] graph; LcaRmq(int[][] graph) { this.n = graph.length; this.graph = graph; } int time; int[] order; int[] heights; int[] first; Rmq rmq; @Override public LcaRmq build(int root) { this.order = new int[n + n]; this.heights = new int[n]; this.first = new int[n]; Arrays.fill(first, -1); this.time = 0; dfs(root, 0); int[] orderedHeights = new int[n + n]; for (int i = 0; i < order.length; ++i) { orderedHeights[i] = heights[order[i]]; } this.rmq = createRmq(orderedHeights); return this; } void dfs(int from, int height) { first[from] = time; order[time] = from; heights[from] = height; ++time; for (int to : graph[from]) { if (first[to] == -1) { dfs(to, height + 1); order[time] = from; ++time; } } } @Override public int lca(int a, int b) { int aFirst = first[a], bFirst = first[b]; int left = min(aFirst, bFirst), right = max(aFirst, bFirst); int orderIndex = rmq.getMinIndex(left, right); return order[orderIndex]; } @Override public int height(int v) { return heights[v]; } } private static class LcaBinary implements Lca { private static final int MAX_BIT = 20; int n; int[][] graph; int[] h; int[][] parents; LcaBinary(int[][] graph) { this.n = graph.length; this.graph = graph; } @Override public Lca build(int root) { this.h = new int[n]; this.parents = new int[MAX_BIT][n]; Arrays.fill(parents[0], -1); Queue queue = new ArrayDeque(); queue.add(root); add(root, root); while (queue.size() > 0) { int from = queue.poll(); for (int to : graph[from]) { if (parents[0][to] == -1) { add(from, to); queue.add(to); } } } return this; } void add(int parent, int v) { h[v] = h[parent] + 1; parents[0][v] = parent; for (int bit = 0; bit < MAX_BIT - 1; ++bit) { parents[bit + 1][v] = parents[bit][parents[bit][v]]; } } @Override public int lca(int a, int b) { if (h[a] < h[b]) { int tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } int delta = h[a] - h[b]; for (int bit = MAX_BIT - 1; bit >= 0; --bit) { if (delta >= (1 << bit)) { delta -= (1 << bit); a = parents[bit][a]; } } if (a == b) return a; for (int bit = MAX_BIT - 1; bit >= 0; --bit) { int nextA = parents[bit][a], nextB = parents[bit][b]; if (nextA != nextB) { a = nextA; b = nextB; } } return parents[0][a]; } @Override public int height(int v) { return h[v]; } } private static Lca createLca(int[][] graph, int root) { return new LcaRmq(graph).build(root); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class BiconnectedGraph { int n; int[][] graph; BiconnectedGraph(int[][] graph) { this.n = graph.length; this.graph = graph; } int time; int[] tin, up; boolean[] used; BiconnectedGraph build() { calculateTimes(); condensateComponents(); return this; } void calculateTimes() { this.tin = new int[n]; this.up = new int[n]; this.time = 0; this.used = new boolean[n]; timeDfs(0, -1); } void timeDfs(int from, int parent) { used[from] = true; up[from] = tin[from] = time; ++time; for (int to : graph[from]) { if (to == parent) continue; if (used[to]) { up[from] = min(up[from], tin[to]); } else { timeDfs(to, from); up[from] = min(up[from], up[to]); } } } int[] components; int[][] componentsGraph; int component(int v) { return components[v]; } int[][] toGraph() { return componentsGraph; } void condensateComponents() { this.components = new int[n]; Arrays.fill(components, -1); for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) { if (components[v] == -1) { componentsDfs(v, v); } } GraphBuilder graphBuilder = GraphBuilder.createInstance(n); Set edges = new HashSet(); for (int from = 0; from < n; ++from) { int fromComponent = components[from]; for (int to : graph[from]) { int toComponent = components[to]; if (fromComponent == toComponent) continue; Point edge = new Point(fromComponent, toComponent); if (edges.add(edge)) graphBuilder.addDirectedEdge(fromComponent, toComponent); } } this.componentsGraph =; } void componentsDfs(int from, int color) { components[from] = color; for (int to : graph[from]) { if (components[to] != -1) continue; if (tin[from] >= up[to] && tin[to] >= up[from]) { componentsDfs(to, color); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class VertexBiconnectedGraph { static class Edge { int to; int index; Edge(int to, int index) { = to; this.index = index; } } int n, m; List[] graph; List edges; VertexBiconnectedGraph(int n) { this.n = n; this.m = 0; this.graph = new List[n]; for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) { graph[v] = new ArrayList(); } this.edges = new ArrayList(); } void addEdge(int from, int to) { Edge fromToEdge = new Edge(to, m); Edge toFromEdge = new Edge(from, m + 1); edges.add(fromToEdge); edges.add(toFromEdge); graph[from].add(fromToEdge); graph[to].add(toFromEdge); m += 2; } int time; boolean[] used; int[] tin, up; int[] parents; boolean[] isArticulation; boolean[] findArticulationPoints() { this.isArticulation = new boolean[n]; this.used = new boolean[n]; this.parents = new int[n]; Arrays.fill(parents, -1); this.tin = new int[n]; this.up = new int[n]; this.time = 0; for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) { if (!used[v]) { articulationDfs(v, -1); } } return isArticulation; } void articulationDfs(int from, int parent) { used[from] = true; parents[from] = parent; ++time; up[from] = tin[from] = time; int childrenCount = 0; for (Edge e : graph[from]) { int to =; if (to == parent) continue; if (used[to]) { up[from] = min(up[from], tin[to]); } else { ++childrenCount; articulationDfs(to, from); up[from] = min(up[from], up[to]); if (up[to] >= tin[from] && parent != -1) { isArticulation[from] = true; } } } if (parent == -1 && childrenCount > 1) { isArticulation[from] = true; } } int[] edgeColors; int maxEdgeColor; int[] paintEdges() { this.edgeColors = new int[m]; Arrays.fill(edgeColors, -1); this.maxEdgeColor = -1; this.used = new boolean[n]; for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) { if (!used[v]) { ++maxEdgeColor; paintDfs(v, maxEdgeColor, -1); } } return edgeColors; } void paintEdge(int edgeIndex, int color) { if (edgeColors[edgeIndex] != -1) return; edgeColors[edgeIndex] = edgeColors[edgeIndex ^ 1] = color; } void paintDfs(int from, int color, int parent) { used[from] = true; for (Edge e : graph[from]) { int to =; if (to == parent) continue; if (!used[to]) { if (up[to] >= tin[from]) { int newColor = ++maxEdgeColor; paintEdge(e.index, newColor); paintDfs(to, newColor, from); } else { paintEdge(e.index, color); paintDfs(to, color, from); } } else if (up[to] <= tin[from]){ paintEdge(e.index, color); } } } Set[] collectVertexEdgeColors() { Set[] vertexEdgeColors = new Set[n]; for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) { vertexEdgeColors[v] = new HashSet(); for (Edge e : graph[v]) { vertexEdgeColors[v].add(edgeColors[e.index]); } } return vertexEdgeColors; } VertexBiconnectedGraph build() { findArticulationPoints(); paintEdges(); createComponentsGraph(); return this; } int[][] componentsGraph; void createComponentsGraph() { Set[] vertexEdgeColors = collectVertexEdgeColors(); int edgeColorShift = vertexEdgeColors.length; int size = vertexEdgeColors.length + maxEdgeColor + 1; GraphBuilder graphBuilder = GraphBuilder.createInstance(size); for (int v = 0; v < vertexEdgeColors.length; ++v) { for (int edgeColor : vertexEdgeColors[v]) { graphBuilder.addEdge(v, edgeColor + edgeColorShift); } } this.componentsGraph =; } int[][] toGraph() { return componentsGraph; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static class DSU { int[] sizes; int[] ranks; int[] parents; static DSU createInstance(int size) { int[] sizes = new int[size]; Arrays.fill(sizes, 1); return new DSU(sizes); } DSU(int[] sizes) { this.sizes = sizes; int size = sizes.length; this.ranks = new int[size]; Arrays.fill(ranks, 1); this.parents = castInt(order(size)); } int get(int v) { if (v == parents[v]) return v; return parents[v] = get(parents[v]); } boolean union(int a, int b) { a = get(a); b = get(b); if (a == b) return false; if (ranks[a] < ranks[b]) { int tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } parents[b] = a; sizes[a] += sizes[b]; if (ranks[a] == ranks[b]) ++ranks[a]; return true; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static abstract class SegmentTree { int size; boolean lazySupported; boolean[] lazy; long[] values; long[] tree; SegmentTree(int n, boolean lazySupported) { this.size = n; this.lazySupported = lazySupported; int treeSize = size << 2; this.tree = new long[treeSize]; if (lazySupported) { this.lazy = new boolean[treeSize]; this.values = new long[treeSize]; } } SegmentTree(int[] a, boolean lazySupported) { this(a.length, lazySupported); } abstract void updateValue(int v, int left, int right, long value); void setLazyValue(int v, long value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } void pushVertex(int v, int vLeft, int vRight) { if (lazy[v]) { setLazyValue(vLeft, values[v]); setLazyValue(vRight, values[v]); lazy[v] = false; values[v] = 0; } } abstract void updateVertex(int v, int vLeft, int vRight); int[] a; void buildTree(int[] a) { this.a = a; buildTree(1, 0, size - 1); } void buildTree(int v, int left, int right) { if (left == right) { updateValue(v, left, right, a[left]); } else { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; int vLeft = (v << 1), vRight = (vLeft + 1); buildTree(vLeft, left, mid); buildTree(vRight, mid + 1, right); updateVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); } } long value; int index; void updateIndex(int index, long value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; updateTreeIndex(1, 0, size - 1); } void updateTreeIndex(int v, int left, int right) { if (left == right) { updateValue(v, left, right, value); } else { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; int vLeft = (v << 1), vRight = (vLeft + 1); if (index <= mid) updateTreeIndex(vLeft, left, mid); else updateTreeIndex(vRight, mid + 1, right); updateVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); } } int start, end; void updateSegment(int start, int end, long value) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.value = value; updateTreeSegment(1, 0, size - 1); } void updateTreeSegment(int v, int left, int right) { if (start <= left && right <= end) { if (lazySupported) { setLazyValue(v, value); } else { updateValue(v, left, right, value); } } else { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; int vLeft = (v << 1), vRight = (vLeft + 1); if (lazySupported) pushVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); if (start <= mid) updateTreeSegment(vLeft, left, mid); if (mid < end) updateTreeSegment(vRight, mid + 1, right); updateVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); } } abstract void initResult(long... initResultValues); abstract void accumulateResult(int v, int left, int right); void getIndex(int index, long... initResultValues) { this.index = index; initResult(initResultValues); getTreeIndex(1, 0, size - 1); } void getTreeIndex(int v, int left, int right) { if (lazySupported) { if (left == right) { accumulateResult(v, left, right); } else { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; int vLeft = (v << 1), vRight = (vLeft + 1); pushVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); if (index <= mid) getTreeIndex(vLeft, left, mid); else getTreeIndex(vRight, mid + 1, right); updateVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); } } else { while (left <= right) { accumulateResult(v, left, right); if (left == right) break; int mid = (left + right) >> 1; int vLeft = (v << 1), vRight = (vLeft + 1); if (index <= mid) { v = vLeft; right = mid; } else { v = vRight; left = mid + 1; } } } } void getSegment(int start, int end, long... initResultValues) { this.start = start; this.end = end; initResult(initResultValues); getTreeSegment(1, 0, size - 1); } void getTreeSegment(int v, int left, int right) { if (start <= left && right <= end) { accumulateResult(v, left, right); } else { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; int vLeft = (v << 1), vRight = (vLeft + 1); if (lazySupported) pushVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); if (start <= mid) getTreeSegment(vLeft, left, mid); if (mid < end) getTreeSegment(vRight, mid + 1, right); if (lazySupported) updateVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); } } int[] toArray() { this.a = new int[size]; fillTreeArray(1, 0, size - 1); return a; } void fillTreeArray(int v, int left, int right) { if (left == right) { a[left] = (int)(tree[v]); } else { int mid = (left + right) >> 1; int vLeft = (v << 1), vRight = (vLeft + 1); if (lazySupported) pushVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); fillTreeArray(vLeft, left, mid); fillTreeArray(vRight, mid + 1, right); if (lazySupported) updateVertex(v, vLeft, vRight); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }