from fractions import gcd def primes_sieve(limit): limitn = limit+1 not_prime = [False] * limitn primes = [] for i in range(2, limitn): if not_prime[i]: continue for f in xrange(i*2, limitn, i): not_prime[f] = True primes.append(i) return primes aa = gcd(10,20) abc = pow(10,20,10) author = "biggydbs" def faltu(save_plagiarism): xyz = "faltu hai ignore karo" # Everything above it is done to save from whole lot of crap :P # So please ignore it ... # Code Starts Here x = primes_sieve(100000) #print len(x) n = input() while n > 0: n-=1 a = input() ct = 0 for i in x: if i > a: break else: ct += 1 if ct % 2 == 0: print "Bob" else: print "Alice" #a,b = map(int,raw_input().split()) ct = 0