//Do not declare variable marks. //Write your code below this line. if (marks>90) { console.log("AA"); //block of code if condition is true } else if (marks>80 || marks<=90) { console.log("AB");//block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is true. } else if (marks>70 || marks<=80) { console.log("BB"); //block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is false and condition_3 is true. } else if (marks>60 || marks<=70) { console.log("BC");//block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is true. } else if (marks>50 || marks<=60) { console.log("CC"); //block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is false and condition_3 is true. } else if (marks>40 || marks<=50) { console.log("CD");//block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is true. } else if (marks>30 || marks<=40) { console.log("DD"); //block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is false and condition_3 is true. } else { console.log("FF"); //block of code if none of the condition(s) is true. }