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69% of tech leaders are preparing their teams for GenAI. Uncover more insights in the AI Skills Report. Read now
Adapt your hiring strategy for an AI-powered future. Uncover more insights in our latest whitepaper. Read now

Learn the philosophies behind Stripe’s respected developer brand.

Get tips on how to assess key technical roles—from DevOps to Data Analysts—in this master resource.

Over 10,000 student developers share insight on their skills, learning methods, and job priorities.

Rocket Fuel sources and hires engineers 88% more efficiently on campus by using HackerRank’s code challenges.

We surveyed nearly 1,000 technical recruiters and hiring managers to understand the biggest priorities, pain points, and opportunities when it comes to hiring software developers.

Over 2,000 women developers were surveyed to understand the gender gap that exists in the tech industry, issues faced in the workplace and how company leaders can help empower women in tech.

We surveyed the HackerRank community to get a pulse on developer skills and uncovered great insights from the 39,441 responses.

University recruiting made more efficient with skills-based hiring.