Certificate: Python (Basic)
Certificate: Python (Intermediate)
Certificate: JavaScript (Basic)
Certificate: CSS (Basic)
Certificate: React (Basic)
Certificate: Node (Basic)
Certificate: SQL (Basic)
Certificate: Rest API (Intermediate)
Certificate: JavaScript (Intermediate)
Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Bacancy Technology• April 2022 - June 2023
• Worked as a full stack developer in a SaaS product JulesAI • My day-to-day work included creating UI components using React, Material UI, Typescript & Apollo client. In the backend, I worked on creating GraphQL endpoints using the Apollo server, Knexjs (for building SQL queries & schema migrations) & PostgreSQL • I also worked on a feature where we implemented an email composer like Gmail to send emails to customers from the app. I also fixed a critical bug related to file upload in Google Cloud which improved file upload time by around 2 seconds.
Software Engineer
Tata Consultancy Services• December 2018 - April 2022
• Worked as a web developer using React & NextJS to build content-driven sites using headless CMS like WordPress, Contentful, Strapi CMS • Worked with different clients to create their marketing sites, internal web portals etc
Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar
Computer Science & Engineering, BE• June 2014 - September 2018
Rajatbhatt has not updated skills details yet.