Work Experience
Full Stack Developer Specialist
Little Advisors Co.•  October 2024 - December 2024•  Jakarta
Developed the front-end logic, log in feature, and admin dashboard of True Chef and Baker and Delapan Padi websites Developed the custom Netlify serverless function to give the Lark bot abilities to use more features of Lark OpenAPI, search records from Lark base documents and create/update/delete tasks Updated the Netlify serverless function code of the Lark bot from using procedural programming to implement OOP practices
Software Engineer
Little Advisors Co.•  September 2024 - October 2024•  Jakarta
Fixed a Lark bot by connecting ChatGPT to Larksuite bot using custom a Netlify serveless function and Supabase as its chat history database Developed the custom Netlify serverless function to give the Lark bot abilities to use some features of Lark OpenAPI, such as the context of a group chat (owner, admins, regular member), add/update/delete calendar events and add/remove the events attendee Developed the custom Netlify serverless function to give the Lark bot a context of time Developed a database input group chat, which data can be accessed from different group chats with the corresponding group scope, which was declared when the data was inputted
Full Stack Intern•  July 2023 - September 2023•  Remote
Research feature and tech-stack improvements for website. Made Run with Me and Indonesia Butuh Anak Muda (IBAM) web pages using Nuxt.js, Vue.js, and Tailwind. Made a mini project using Nuxt.js as a front-end framework and NestJS as a back-end framework Nutx.js, Vue.js, Nest.JS, and Typescript training.
Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
Electrical Engineering, BE•  August 2020 - July 2024•  GPA: 3.94