Kiruba Nandan. V



Software Engineer


Problem Solving


vkirubanandan007 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Hubbell Incorporated•  September 2022 - Present

    Being part of Software Development, responsible for Provisioning and deprovisioning Virtual network, Virtual Machines in Azure, creating a Project in Azure DevOps with Boards to have work items, Repos and pipeline-as-code, Customizing the pipeline YAML to integrate SonarQube and to generate builds, and release pipelines to deploy the builds into Particular Environment, cloning a project from GitHub to Azure Repos and Cloning to local system from Azure Repos. In Addition, Creating API’s using .NET core and Entity Framework, testing API’s Using Postman and Documenting API’s using Swagger, Generating JWT Tokens for API Authentication and Authorization, Enabling Logging to log the API errors, CORS, Response and Distributed caching, Experience on writing LINQ Queries. Experience on Drawing 2D Diagrams, 3D Diagrams Using JS and HTML canvas, Experience on Loading 3D objects Using GLTFLoader and exporting 3D images in glb format using GLTFExporter JS libraries, Experience on Using OrbitControl, CSGMesh, Tween JS libraries.

  • Software Engineer

    egovernment Foundation •  June 2021 - September 2022

    Being part of Research and Development, responsible for setting up DIGIT Production Grade Setup, DIGIT QuickStart to familiarize users with production grade setup process. Hands-on Setting up multiple missions over the DIGIT includes Sanitation, Health, etc. Spinning Up and maintaining multiple clusters Using Terraform (Infra-as-Code). Responsible for templating and creating Kubernetes Manifests using Helm (Config-as-Code) and also involved in developing Golang interactive shell to automatically create a K8s Cluster and deploy DIGIT over it(Deploy-as-Code). Responsible for setting up and maintaining Jenkins (CI/CD) CI-as-Code. Securing sensitive information to be exposed with code using Mozilla SOPS with AWS key management service. Setting up Monitoring, alerting and Visualization of resource utilization, services running etc., using Prometheus Prom QL as Query Language and Grafana as dashboard for visualization. Involved in writing GitHub Actions to test code quality ,generate builds and to perform many more actions.

  • Intern

    iGrapix solution•  January 2021 - May 2021

    Being part of Administration team, responsible for System, Gsuite, GitHub, Jira Administration. Later, took part in cloud administration AWS launching VMs – EC2 instances (Linux, Windows), assigning security groups, Assigning Elastic IP to Instances etc., GitHub Administration, creating new repos, branches, Oauth apps, creating teams, Creating GitHub Actions to automate the build and to update the Jira ticket comments. Gsuite Administration, creating mails for users, Groups and Jira Administration, creating new projects, Scrum boards, Filters, adding screens and setting up mail servers for projects


  • Government College Of Engineering

    Computer Science & Engineering, BE


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vkirubanandan007 has not updated skills details yet.