Work Experience
Software Engineer
Infosys Ltd•  September 2019 - Present
- Worked on Oracle Accounts Receivables module for 2 years. - Six months of the two years was in support and the rest in development. For support part of the work, - WORKED ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES MODULE. Did a little coding during this time to help in automation of some small tasks like changing a customer's name in database, deleting data from interface tables, Previously these small tickets took almost 2 to 3 days to resolve since it included creating an update script, creating a change request and getting the change request approved. After automation, a concurrent program was created and the customer was provided with a documentation on how to run the requests. For development part of the work, - WORKED ON UPGRADING THE APPLICATION FROM 12.1.3 TO 12.2.10 VERSION. Almost 1 year of the work was spent in studying and analyzing the modules that would be affected by the upgrade, like custom oracle forms, plls, custom reports, pl/sql code, ksh scripts, tables, views, triggers and working together with the DBA and EAE team to come up with the strategy for deployment. After analyzing, plan was created to tackle the modules and intensive testing was conducted. - WORKED ON CREATING INTERFACE PROGRAMS FOR LOADING DATA INTO ORACLE FROM THIRD PARTY SOURCE. Files were received from the third party source in csv format. Created ctl and ksh scripts to load files into the database staging tables. Wrote interface programs to validate data and move them into the base tables. Created concurrent programs to run the processes. Also created a very basic Oracle form to manipulate data in a custom tax table that helped in entering new tax rates by the client.
NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Computer Science, BE•  2015 - 2019
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