Peter Vermilye

United States


Personal Information
United States


Problem Solving


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Work Experience

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  • University of Memphis

    Computer Science, BS•  September 1977 - December 1992•  GPA: 3

    I worked full time as a programmer while going to school. I got within four 12 credits of graduating and struggled with Linear Algebra. It took three times until I was able to pass with a 4.0. At the time there were no classes for undergraduates in either operating systems or compiler design. I was allowed to take these two graduate level classes under an independent study catch-all and received a 4.0 in both. Those two classes as well as Introduction to Algorithms were the three most challenging courses I took and enjoyed them immensely.

  • University of Memphis

    Computer Science, BS•  September 1977 - December 1992•  GPA: 3

    I worked full-time as a programmer/coder/developer during this period. I was within 12 credits of completing my degree when I hit a roadblock. Linear Algebra was that roadblock and I could not understand what I would use it for. That's not to say I thought it worthless, but never was it presented as a series of steps to perform with no real-world application. On the third try, I was able to knuckle down and get through it through brute-force. During my tenure, neither Operating Systems nor Compiler Design were offered to undergraduates. I was able to take both graduate level classes under the Independent Study catch-all and received a 4.0 in both. Those two courses as well as Introduction to Algorithms were the three most challenging and most fulfilling courses.


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Data Structure