vasundarasridhar has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Senior Systems Engineer
Infosys Ltd•  June 2017 - November 2020
• Instrumental in migrating an Oracle application using SQL and .Net. Received INSTA AWARD for my contribution. • Competent in developing highly interactive and customized Tax Applications using ASP.Net and SQL that improved user experience. • Predicted the estimates for moving a web-based application to cloud by learning and Analyzing Azure Data Factory and Azure Web jobs. Was awarded with another INSTA AWARD for my efforts on Azure Analysis. • Responsible for analyzing huge amount of data for Indirect Tax Applications using Encapture, IDEA and Alteryx. • Enhanced the quality of code and improved application performance, leading to a 12% reduction in bugs. • Resolved bugs on existing Tax applications on the fly using .Net MVC. • Developed a Mobile Comparison Application using JAVA during my training period.
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Business Analytics with Data Science, MS•  January 2021 - Present
Courses: Business Analytics with R programming (BUAN 6356) Database foundation for Analytics (BUAN 6320) Advanced Statistics for Data Science (BUAN 6359) Prescriptive Analytics(BUAN 6398) Programming for Data science(BUAN 6340) Business Data Warehousing(MIS 6309) Predictive Analytics using SAS (BUAN 6337) Applied Econometrics and Time Series Analysis (BUAN 6312)
vasundarasridhar has not updated skills details yet.