Kostia Kolesnyk



Mobile Software Engineer


Problem Solving
Days of Code


Work Experience

  • Senior Software Engineer

    N-IX•  June 2020 - Present

    iOS application for mobile cell provider. • Architecture review and optimization • Code style implementation, Swiftlint integration • CI/CD improvements • Security improvements • Implementation of key feature for contract users 2005-2009 2001-2005 Swift, Alamofire, Adyen, Firebase Analytics, Fastlane, Bitrise, Apple Keychain

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Eleks•  November 2018 - May 2020

    Mobile social application for Saudi Arabia market Find places and events nearby, add photos and reviews, follow friend’s activity. • Designing architecture. • Recreating of the basic functionality in accordance with the legacy React Native app. • Writing unit tests and integration tests • Push notification and deep links implementation. Taking part in the development of Facebook and Apple-ID authentication. • Development of other key features. • Configured CI/CD. Did set up an automated continuous localization process, regular releases to AppStore. Swift, Alamofire, CoreLocation, Fastlane, GitlabRunner, FacebookSDK, Firebase Analytics, Swinject, Apple Keychain, GoogleMaps, GooglePlaces, XCTest

  • Senior Software Engineer

    DataMart•  June 2018 - November 2018

    TipBox - application designed for money transfer and tips. • Refactoring and wrapping old legacy code. Separating business logic from the UI. • Security improvements. • Working on an independent networking SDK. • Implementing onboarding flow for the application. Swift, Objective C, Alamofire, CoreBluetooth, CoreLocation, Fastlane, Stripe, Sift, Plaid

  • Software Engineer

    GlobalLogic•  August 2017 - May 2018

    Development of native iOS and tvOS apps for US TV channels. • Analytics implementation • Implemented DRM playback, offline encrypted playback • Implemented Google cast streaming • UI improvements, custom animations and transitions • Fixing bugs, preparing for App Store submission Swift, AVFoundation, REST, Alamofire, Google analytics, MOAT, DRM (FairPlay), GoogleCast, AirPlay, Adobe authentication, Fastlane

  • Software Engineer

    Turfmapp•  March 2015 - July 2017

    Turfmapp mobile application. Complex application, that has functionality for players (find games, turfs, partners to play soccer), for managers (managing fields and games) and in-game functionality (to manage current games and tournaments real-time, track score, build tournament tables). • iPhone app development and support, adaptation for iPad • In-game functionality implementation using web sockets • Unit Tests, CI/CD Objective C, Swift, Core Location, URLSession, Socket, APNs, MapKit, WebKit, AFNetworking, ReactiveCocoa, GoogleMaps, GooglePlaces, MapBox, Braintree, Facebook services, AWSS3 (Amazon services), UIKit, WatchKit, Google Analytics, Heap, Xcode server, XCTest, Fastlane, Fabric, TestFlight, Braintree

  • Software Engineer

    Stfalcon•  April 2013 - February 2015

    UARoads – mobile application to collect and process data of a road surface condition • Collecting data by using accelerometer and gyroscope. • Adding location tags and processing all the data to server. • Implementation of background modes for location services, improving energy efficiency. Objective C, CoreLocation, CoreMotion, CoreData, AFNetworking, Google Maps Coocorama – mobile application with cooking recipes. • Development of key functionality • Distribution to AppStore Objective C, CoreData, AFNetworking, Apple In-App Purchases, Google Analytics


  • Lviv Polytechnic National University

    Computer Science, MS•  September 2005 - December 2009


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