uilton_silva has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
UNDP• January 2020 - July 2022
• Development and maintenance of applicaƟons and web services in Java Spring in financial applicaƟons, development and support in Java integraƟons (XML, JSON) for HR applicaƟons, development and maintenance of backend ́ s funcƟonaliƟes (EJB, Microservices, Rest) in agricultural systems, development and maintenance of funcƟonaliƟes in front-end's (JSF, JSP, ReactJS, Angular 2+, AngularJS) for healthcare applicaƟons, migraƟon of features in front-end's (JSF to ReactJS or Angular 2+), parƟcipaƟon in the search for new tools and techniques for the conƟnuous improvement of systems in the audit area, source code versioning, parƟcipaƟon in alignment meeƟngs with customers and stakeholders (in Portuguese and in English), parƟcipaƟon in agile development processes using Scrum. • Service support (SOAP, Rest) for control systems inventory and contract supervision. Maintenance and redeployments of EJB's. Maintenance of PL-SQL procedures. Maintenance of legacy applicaƟon sanded applicaƟons (JavaScript, CSS, HTML, DOM, AJAX) for financial management and logisƟcs applicaƟons of food. • EvoluƟonary maintenance in new applicaƟons in ReactJS and / or Angular 2+ in insƟtuƟonal site and materials control system. ConstrucƟon and deployment of microservices in Java with SpringBoot and deploy in Cloud (Heroku). Adequacy of Java and Maven backend applicaƟons for conƟnuous integraƟon track (Sonar, Jenkins). ImplementaƟon, maintenance, tunning in SQL operaƟons in Java web applicaƟon for immigrant support system. • CorrecƟon of incidents in producƟon. Bug fixes in approval and tesƟng. Punctual maintenance in systems in Visual Basics for applicaƟon of staƟsƟcs and scienƟfic research. ConstrucƟon of unit tests in Java with JUnit. Experience with Java 4, 7, 8, 11. Point maintenance in Java Struts applicaƟons and Struts 2.
Software Engineer
UNDP• January 2019 - January 2020
• Development and maintenance of ApplicaƟons and Web Services Java Spring and JavaScript (NodesJS) for exhibiƟon of services in global systems to support evaluated contribuƟons, development and support in integraƟons (ESB, SOA, JMS, XML, JSON), development and maintenance of funcƟonaliƟes in back-end's (Java, PHP, JavaScript) in integraƟon systems for voluntary contribuƟons, development and maintenance of features in front-end's (JSP, JSF, ReactJS, Angular 2+, Adobe Java Flex, Java Swing, Servlets) in systems observaƟon to human rights violaƟons, migraƟon of funcƟonaliƟes in backend's (Java BO for Microservice), working in applicaƟons to support humanitarian aid to support cases of hunger, disasters natural resources and armed conflicts. • Refactoring of component presentaƟon rules in legacy applicaƟon interface in PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and DOM in daily and Ɵcket control system. Fixed back-end and front-end bugs in Adobe Java Flex applicaƟon with Java Spring. ImplementaƟon for performing scienƟfic calculaƟons (in PHP) and data persistence in MySQL, from files.CSV. MigraƟon of projects in Ant to Maven for volunteer registraƟon systems. Proof of concept construcƟon using Java Spring Boot, Java Spring and React for applicaƟon of registraƟon of accesses and user profiles for support system to journalists, doctors and lawyers. ImplementaƟons of use cases using SQL and JDBC, Hibernate, JSF. • Experience with Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, SQLServer databases. Deploy of J2EE applicaƟons (Tomcat, Wildfly, Jboss. ParƟcipaƟon in defining Java project architectures. API ́ s exposure through API Gateway. Security contact for microservices architecture as JWT token. Experience with Linux (installaƟon of servers and deploy java packages). Support and support of systems in producƟon. Experience with CI/CD pipelines - YAML pipeline. Knowledge in development of Safe applicaƟons - OAuth 2.0, working with applicaƟons in the area of monitoring and supervision of poliƟcal agreements.
Software Engineer
University Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí.• June 2017 - November 2018
• Development and support in hospital management system in Java and JSF. Installation of Jboss application server 4. Deploy of applications. Maintenance in Java Swing applications. Building and maintaining SQL queries for query executions manuals to data from the patient care system. Construction of query screens in Java Swing and Java JSF for inventory controls and materials engineering. Maintenance in financial system in Java and Struts.
Faculdade de Tecnologia de Teresina
Computer Information Systems, BS• July 2016 - July 2019
Technologist in Internet Systems (higher educaƟon). Brazil.
uilton_silva has not updated skills details yet.