Work Experience
Software Engineer
Deutsche Bank•  July 2019 - Present
Scrum master responsible for planning meetings and deadlines while contributing to development work. Built a new backend microservice that subscribes to topics, transforms the objects received and transports it to a central service. Created an application to provide insight to management about the hourly payload received by the endpoint for a given day. Spearheaded the redevelopment of an application that uses ag Grid extensively from Angular 1 to React. Played a full-stack role in implementing new pages for data analysts so that they could enter and retrieve data.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
North Carolina State University•  January 2018 - May 2019
Developed tools for professors and Ph.D. students in a development or data science role to assist in their research. Predicted a coder's level of expertise by writing a script to extract data from code and performed supervised learning on that data. Built an application that automates analysis for instructors to review students !SNAP projects. Implemented new features that performed sanity checks on virtual machines to ensure provision readiness.
Technology Analyst Intern
Deutsche Bank•  June 2018 - August 2018
Worked closely with senior developers to take on smaller feature implementations and debugging tasks that went into production. Collaborated with other interns in creating an application to predict the sentiment analysis given a financial article. Initiated weekly meetings with the intern team to convey new ideas and ensure deadlines were met. Drafted, edited, and strategized the team presentation that was shown to management at the conclusion of the internship.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Computer Science, BS•  August 2017 - May 2019
Coursework included Software Engineering, Data Science, DevOps, IoT, Network Security, Automata and Grammar, Senior Design.
Wake Technical Community College
Engineering, Associates•  August 2014 - May 2017
Coursework included Python, Java, Linear Algebra, Calculus 3, Differential Equations, General Physics 2, Microeconomics.
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