Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Trakstar•  February 2023 - Present
- Upgraded ruby from 2.6 to 2.7 - Upgraded Rails application from Rails 5.2 to 6.1 and ruby 3.1 - Developed Past review selection in the appraisal hub - React - Mentor 2 Ruby on Rails developers - Collaborated to code reviews, code standards, testing, code specs
Senior Software Engineer
Penrose Hill•  January 2021 - February 2023
- Ruby on Rails Backend and Solidus custom developer on checkout API flow - Added support to open source solidus_stripe gem to integrate statement_descriptor_sufix - Upgraded backend system from Rails 5.2 to 6.1 - Developed expedite shipping feature to HI and AK via new air shipping and Wineshipping API - Integrated Avalara API for checkout taxes sales order and sales invoice - Collaborated to code reviews, code standards, testing, code specs and POD meetings
Universidad de Colima
Computer Science, BS•  August 2010 - August 2014
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