Christian José Torrealba Rondón



Systems Engineer


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Solutions Engineer · Full Stack Software Engineer

    Stuart Delivery•  October 2020 - June 2023•  Barcelona, Spain

    Logistic Services.- Cross-functional collaboration with international engineering and business teams to craft apps, tools, and new products that elevate customer experiences by optimizing last-mile logistics platforms, enabling seamless external integrations, and streamlining process automation. Gathering requirements from stakeholders, delivering solutions through agile project management (Scrum / Kanban), documenting specs, feature prototyping, and monitoring (AWS, Sentry, Grafana, etc.). Building and architecting solutions along with other engineers, such as live monitoring tools, courier/parcel/fleet tracking systems, API integrations, etc.

  • Frontend Developer Architect

    Zank Financial PFP•  November 2019 - October 2020•  Barcelona, Spain

    Financial Services.- Lead the development, maintenance, and improvement of the front-end architecture for a FinTech web app according to product/operational specs, ensuring compliance with regulations. Perform third-party integrations (payment gateway, e-mailing/SMS systems, loggers, and error trackers) to enhance functionalities and ensure app reliability.

  • Frontend Software Engineer

    SDG Group Iberia•  November 2018 - October 2019•  Barcelona, Spain

    Business Intelligence and Data Analyst Consulting firm.- Responsible for automating front-end environments for existing data analytics-oriented web apps with modern Javascript and web bundlers. Lead the development of the user interface for a KPI-displaying chatbot with appealing charts, data visualization elements, etc; using SignalR Client, and DialogFlow. Development of web prototype mashup for augmented reality visualizations (Sales trends). Showcased at the Qlik Connections Conference in 2019.

  • Frontend User Interface Developer

    Kapsch TrafficCom AG•  July 2016 - October 2017•  Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Intelligent Transportation Solutions.- Development of a web-based commercial back office for a vehicle free-flow tolling system to handle toll collections (customer/payments/tag devices management, and vehicle monitoring). Development of mocked-up RESTful API according to back-end specs to increase the delivery of new features/prototypes and perform reports with JasperReports.

  • Web Software Engineer · Data Analyst · Product R&D Designer

    Petroleum of Venezuela (PDVSA)•  May 2011 - January 2016•  Caracas, Venezuela

    Energy and Hydrocarbons.- Lead the conception, design, development, and delivery of a real-time web app; alongside other engineers; for performing economic scenario analysis, leveraging GIS technology (Google Earth, KML/KMZ) to visualize geoscience / economic data. Showcased at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2011. Create data models based on the company’s business portfolio, along with business intelligence tools, to handle and summarize large amounts of data related to hydrocarbon production, facilities, and similar (ETL / DWH design, data visualization). Develop economic and financial simulations using R to assess the financial viability and risks of new business ventures, enabling data-driven decision-making.

  • IT Systems Responsible

    Savings and Loan Association of Miranda’s Public Employees (CAPEM)•  November 2009 - May 2011•  Los Teques, Venezuela

    Non-profit financial services.- Lead the design and development of a web-based CRM, for improving customer service management (client support, procedure monitoring, employee performance, etc.), by involving all the business's areas within the company. Responsible for the development of a web queuing system, which includes a self-service interactive kiosk (touchscreen), to automate how the customers check their balances.


  • Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia

    Information Technology, M.Tech•  September 2023 - Present

    Expert Diploma in Tech Management; Technical Leadership. Spain

  • Universitat de Barcelona

    Business Administration, MS•  October 2019 - June 2020

    Master in e-Business Management; Digital Business Management and Startups. Spain

  • Escuela Universitaria Gimbernat, Autonomous University of Barcelona

    Data Science, M.Tech•  November 2017 - July 2018

    Postgraduate in Business Intelligence; Data Engineering. Spain

  • Digital House Coding School

    Information Technology, M.Tech•  March 2017 - July 2017

    Diploma in UX Design & Research; Digital Product Development and User Research. Argentina (Bootcamp)

  • Metropolitan University

    Business Administration, MS•  November 2014 - July 2015

    Diploma in Business Management; Leadership, Management, and Negotiation. Venezuela

  • Universidad Central de Venezuela

    Data Science, M.Tech•  November 2013 - April 2014

    Diploma in Business Intelligence; Data Engineering. Venezuela

  • Experimental and Polytechnic University of the Armed Forces (UNEFA)

    Information Technology, B.Tech•  September 2004 - September 2009

    Bachelor of Systems Engineering, Venezuela

