Thiago Raniery “trybrito” Brito



Front-end Developer


Problem Solving
Days of Code
Days of JS


thiagobritotrs has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    99Freelas•  March 2022 - Present

    As a freelancer, I design, develop and deploy Front-end applications, in different areas and for different purposes, for the Web, using, mainly, HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript and JQuery, in terms of Front-end technologies, and Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Redis (for cache), in terms of Back-end technologies; and working with SEO, performance, accessibility and security optimization (using Google Lighthouse and aXe for testing).


  • ETEC Polivalente de Americana

    Systems Development, AT•  August 2019 - December 2020

    Representing my first contact with programming, the Systems Development course was responsible for leading me, throughout its three modules, through this universe of infinite possibilities through the following activities: - Approach and discuss concepts related to the internet and its protocols; - Learn and apply concepts, technologies and methodologies related to the development of websites and mobile and desktop applications in real solutions, using, mainly, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Bootstrap, Laravel and Xamarin (C#); - Perform information manipulation operations in relational databases (mySQL); and - Understand what is quality in software development and what advantages the application of tests can bring during the development process. Average grade: MB (equivalent to A+).


thiagobritotrs has not updated skills details yet.