tezansahu has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Blockchain Engineering Intern
WandX Solutions Pvt. Ltd.•  May 2019 - July 2019
Developed a solution for WandX Desktop Application by aggregating multiple cryptocurrency exchanges to display best trades to the user. Engineered smart contracts for implementing confidential transactions of fiat-backed stable coins using AZTEC protocol for WalletSocket Inc. Developed a new Security Token standard around ERC721 tokens using IPFS for storing proofs, along with proof verification strategies. Fabricated python microservices to manage AZTEC notes, that would communicate with the databases and the blockchain
Blockchain Research Intern
Dunya Labs•  December 2018 - December 2018
Analyzed several days worth block data to formulate metrics required by the tool being developed on the EOS Blockchain. Explored possible working and applications of Zero-Knowledge Proofs such as zk-SNARKs, STARKs and Bulletproofs on various chains. Dived deep into the working of Dfinity and other similar projects, trying to brainstorm tools that could be built on top of these chains
IIT Bombay
tezansahu has not updated skills details yet.