Syahrul Ramadhan



software engineer at shopee


Problem Solving
Days of JS


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    SEA•  July 2022 - Present

  • Software Engineer

    Telkom Indonesia•  March 2020 - October 2021

    Design and Create web based system for PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia called "IPTV Teleticketing" to distribute helpdesk job more efficient by intergrating system with Telegram-Bot system. work as lead programmer, backend code ,SQL based database engineer, Telkom OWASP security standardization

  • Software Engineer

    Universitas Sriwijaya•  June 2020 - September 2020

    Develop SIPIMAPRES Web for universitas Sriwijaya to data every achivement that students get. work as backend and as SQL Based database engineer

  • Researcher

    Universitas Sriwijaya•  June 2019 - November 2019

    done some research that focus on applying cryptography in real life. research done with Drs.Megah Mulya as head researcher, the paper about research can be found at ATLANTIS PRESS using "Data Integrity Checking for Securing Students Grades Lists Using the Hash Function" and "Text Steganography on Digital Video Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cryptographic Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm" as key search.

  • Lecturer Assistant

    Universitas Sriwijaya•  August 2018 - August 2019

    work as lecturer assitant, have some experience on mentoring programming class for one year

  • Software Engineer

    Pos Indonesia Regional 3•  May 2019 - July 2019

    Internship project to make a new queue service system using arduino UNO R3 and RFC522 module to automate read/write customers data to make services more efficient. using Java programming language for the main application and cross platform hardware to software communication.


  • Universitas Sriwijaya

    Computer Science, BE•  August 2016 - August 2020

    Bachelor's degree with a GPA of 3,66 Paper: 1.Pengamanan Integritas dan Otentikasi Data Pelanggan padaSistem PT. Pos Indonesia menggunakan Algoritma MD5(Universitas Sriwijaya) 2.Data Integrity Checking for Securing Students Grades ListsUsing the Hash Function (ATLANTIS PRESS) 3.Text Steganography on Digital Video Using Discrete WaveletTransform and Cryptographic Advanced EncryptionStandard Algorithm


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