Scott Hinton

United States


Aerospace Software Engineer


Problem Solving


swhinton has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Jacobs Space Operations Group•  July 2015 - Present

    • Used NASA systems engineering processes to develop Auxiliary Power Unit, Hydraulics, Flight Control and Hypergolic subsystems GFAS on schedule and within budget to support NASA’s first flight of the Space Launch System (SLS). • Implemented Thrust Vector Control (TVC) automated checkout sequencers in NASA proprietary C++ API including unit and integration tests. • Worked closely with Human Factors engineering to develop NASA Class A Safety-Critical user interfaces for subsystem console operations engineers. • Operated SLS Core Stage APU subsystem console supporting subsystem verification and validation activities and launch simulations.


  • University of Florida, Gainesville

    Aerospace Engineering, BS•  June 2010 - December 2014


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