sundaramsharma has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Junior Full Stack Developer
Dono Consulting•  September 2023 - Present•  Bangalore
SRM University, Chennai (SRM Institute Of Science & Technology)
Computer Science, MCA•  January 2023 - January 2025•  CGPA: 9
During this 2-year course, I completed advanced coursework in software engineering, database management, and IT systems. I developed expertise in areas like system analysis, cloud computing, and machine learning, while working on practical projects that enhanced my technical and problem-solving skills.
Conestoga College
Mobile Solution Development, Post graduation•  May 2021 - August 2022•  Percentage: 80
This 16 months fast-track post graduate program offer a strong practical background in mobile and web solutions design and development that encompasses different devices, operating systems, database, and network infrastructures, as well as coverage of software quality and the security aspects to mobile solutions development.
COE, Roorkee (College of Engineering)
Computer Applications, BCA•  July 2017 - June 2020•  Percentage: 79
This 3-year degree program taught me the fundamentals of computers and programming in depth. Besides this, it includes studies related to database management systems, operating systems, Data structures, theory of computation, software engineering, web technology, and languages such as C, C++, HTML, Java, and mo
sundaramsharma has not updated skills details yet.