Steven Sam

United States


Sr. Front-End Developer


Days of JS


Work Experience

  • Sr.Front End Web Developer

    Unifeyed LLC•  August 2017 - Present

    ● Worked with the team of architects and back-end Developers to gather requirements and enhance the application functionality and add new features. ● Worked in a team involved in developing the UI, layout and front-end programming for the web applications using HTML, CSS, jQuery and JavaScript that matches requirements of sprint. ● Responsible for all client side UI Validation, custom validations and implementing Business logic based on user selection using JQuery UI, VueJS, and React. ● Used frameworks like Bootstrap, Sass, React and VueJS and Promises for reliable communicate between server and application. ● Involved in developing the responsive web pages for mobile, tablet and desktop using CSS3 Media queries and fluid grid system. ● Used directives and modules to create reusable components to use across projects.

  • Front End Web Developer

    DTX•  October 2015 - August 2017

    ● Responsible for developing and customizing the company website using HTML5, CSS3, VueJS, React, JavaScript, Typescript and jQuery. ● Created tables, procedures and triggers and retrieved data from the database using complex SQL queries. ● Involved in team scrum meetings to discuss the progress of the development and received feedbacks and suggestions from managers for improvement. ● Responsible for creating test cases, performing unit testing and deploying the code to production server. ● Involved in creating technical documents as per company standards Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Eclipse, JQuery, Bootstrap, VueJS, React, , XML, GitHub.

  • Software Engineer

    RELEX•  November 2014 - September 2015

    ● Involved in development and bug fixing for different modules in the application. ● Developed and customized web pages using HTML, XML, CSS, SASS LESS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JQuery, PHP and performed client side validations. ● Written Junit test cases for testing Ul Framework classes. ● Wrote SQL statements to retrieve data from the MySQL database.


  • University of Helsinki

    Computer Science, B.Tech•  March 2010 - October 2014


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