srishtikeshri20 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Associate Software Developer
Ace Turtle•  February 2018 - Present
•Created APIs in Python running on Microsoft Azure for checking serviceable pin codes, creating order for fulfillment, generating AWB number, placing pickup request, tracking supply in forward and reverse direction. •Worked on existing fulfillment code to make it reusable and to handle multiple last mile partners. •Handled inventory management for Puma. •Worked in tools and technologies like Python, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, Microsoft Azure, Web Services. •Presently working on product Integrace for Puma using technologies like NodeJS, Cloud Watch, Git.
Computer Science, MCA•  July 2014 - June 2017
Library Management System : Windows Application to automate and manage library related tasks such as check-in/check-out of books, email reminder to members, fine calculation and books inventory management. Data entry of books and members into the system is done by excel sheets. It easily integrates with barcode readers for faster operation. Provides report for books issued, returned, damaged, lost, book issued per user. (Tech. used: Java, MySQL).
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