srijan_03sri has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
React Developer
Zivaka LLP•  August 2023 - October 2023
Developed frontend for an all new software portal including API Integration for a client project, creating multi-component utility pages including a custom event calendar and visual aids like graphs and charts for analyzation purposes.Provided role-based access control for regulated data access, successfully bringing the firm onto the digital map with 1000+ daily visitors, doubling operational efficiency and stimulating growth. Optimized new employee onboarding with a modern and responsive suite of 7 electronic forms logging details into a centralized table simplifying form creation, enhancing accessibility, and ensuring secure data storage.
Full Stack Developer
USS ACM•  September 2022 - August 2023
Built a custom member portal from scratch for 200 and growing users using MERN stack with properly defined profile and a detailed project section hence fueling user engagement created using CRUD operations and data structure principles and concepts. Crafted a string of 7 internal team forms in React, comprising announcements, team management and more thus facilitating efficient task management and resulting in a 50% reduction in form creation time.
University School of Information,Communication and Technology, GGSIPU
Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  December 2021 - Present•  CGPA: 8.52
Mothers Global School
XII-PCM•  April 2019 - April 2020•  Percentage: 93.8