Certificate: JavaScript (Basic)
Certificate: Java (Basic)
Certificate: JavaScript (Intermediate)
Certificate: SQL (Basic)
Certificate: SQL (Intermediate)
Certificate: Problem Solving (Basic)
Certificate: Python (Basic)
Certificate: C# (Basic)
Certificate: Go (Basic)
Work Experience
Lead Software Engineer
Salesforce• January 2017 - Present
- Maintained and enhanced a PHP/MySQL-based web application - Maintained and enhanced an enterprise-scale Java application - Developed and maintained cross-system data integration using both asynchronous batch-processing and Apache Storm streaming-event processing approaches - Prepared documentation and training materials, conducted ongoing mentoring for developers within our business unit on working with another business unit’s codebase and toolchain, and led efforts to improve engineering documentation - Handled cross-team collaboration at the program, cross-program, and cross-organization level to identify risks and coordinate resolution and workaround strategies
Software Engineer
Orderly, Inc• September 2013 - January 2017
- Used domain-driven design techniques to develop enhancements to a JavaEE “REST-like” web API. - Maintained, enhanced, and rebuilt a “rich-client” Typescript/Javascript single-page web application. - Administrated and created deployment plans for Amazon EC2 and VPC elastic instances. - Developed and maintained a “hybrid” mobile app using Typescript and the Ionic framework (Apache Cordova + Angular.js) - Mentored junior developers
Software Engineer
Wellcentive• February 2013 - August 2013
- Maintained and enhanced data integration platform, including enterprise-grade ETL solutions. - Developed and maintained rapid and reliable file routing and delivery service.
Implementation and Support Resource
Wellcentive• August 2009 - February 2013
- Assisted clients with web application and integration technical support. - Designed, developed, and implemented data-flow and integration solutions between WellCentive applications and data partners.
Software Engineer
Code Dynamics• September 2007 - September 2008
Developed and maintained web-based management applications for legacy Andover building automation systems
Kennesaw State University
Computer Science, BS• June 2009 - May 2013
Graduated Summa Cum Laude (GPA 4.0)
Palabra de Vida
Spanish Bilingual Program, (immersion language program)• September 2008 - December 2008
Spanish Immersion Language Training, Sept. to Dec. 2008
spencerwi has not updated skills details yet.