Soumyajit Dey



Software Engineer I


Problem Solving
Days of Code
Days of JS
C language


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Cerner•  November 2021 - Present

    • Single handedly built a tool where the team members could raise several JIRAs in one go, added necessary checks to avoid duplicate JIRA creation and a query page with multiple filters to get the JIRA list and close them in bulk. • Was part of the Business Intelligence support team and provided on call support, fixed SQL model bugs and made several performance optimisations to existing stored procedures.

  • Data Engineer

    ThirdEye Data•  August 2020 - November 2021

    • I was in charge of maintaining the ADF pipelines created for image quality detection, developed necessary scripts to work with Azure container blobs and also created several logic apps. Also I was part of the team responsible for migrating the Azure Data Factory workflow to Azure Databricks for computation limitations. • Made a performance optimisation in an existing databricks notebook which cut down the memory consumption by 73% and the total time taken to complete the workflow was reduced by 23%. • Created a dashboard in React JS consisting of charts using the crime data of several South Africa provinces correlating with weather data of 2019-20.


  • BP Poddar Institute Of Management & Technology

    Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  August 2016 - Present


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