snewman1 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
District Support Technician
Aurora Public Schools ITC• May 2019 - Present
As a support technician for the APS IT department, I took part in major technology movements, including preparing thousands of Chromebooks to be sent to students during the Coronavirus Pandemic and repairing Chromebooks and teacher devices sent back to us. In between, I played roles in building computer labs, setting up printers, and many other activities to support technology in education.
Autonomous Vehicle Safety Ambassador/Customer Service Ambassador
Colorado School of Mines• July 2021 - Present
As an Autonomous Vehicle Safety Ambassador, I rode along with autonomous vehicles in the nation’s largest fleet of self-driving vehicles, supervising the operations of said vehicles and manually intervening if necessary. On a day-to-day basis, I would interact with anywhere from ten to sixty passengers riding the shuttle, and was responsible for answering all of their questions and ensuring that they had the smoothest ride possible.
Student Worker
Colorado School of Mines• September 2020 - July 2021
As a worker for the CSM Cyber Infrastructure and Advanced Research Computing department, I was responsible for piloting a project to get Mines researchers active on the Open Science Grid. This entailed learning to use the OSG, writing a user guide on it, and helping researchers run their own jobs. I was also trained on the usage of High Performance Computers in order to provide support to users of said HPCs, and wrote automated scripts to test software on the HPCs.
Colorado School of Mines
Computer Science, BS• August 2019 - Present
I am currently studying Computer Science with an area of special interest in Robotics and Intelligent Systems at the Colorado School of Mines.
snewman1 has not updated skills details yet.