Spencer Leonardi

United States


Data Science Major Graduated from University of Rochester


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Data Analyst

    KidsOutAndAbout•  February 2020 - May 2020

    Performed a time-series analysis comparing how different types of community events on an internet calendar trended over time in several regions in the US. - Extracted webpage data from Google Analytics - Merged Page View data with ‘Drupal’ dataset associating sets of activity tags with URLs - Bucketed and hot-encoded activity tags into clusters - Assigned locations to their corresponding regions - Built plots analyzing trends in activities by comparing relative page views per quarter for each region - Decomposed initial time series into seasonality and trend prepared dashboards - Scripts given to sponsor Merging and manipulation of the data was performed in Python (Pandas). Visualizations were created using Tableau and Plotly.


  • University of Rochester

    Data Science, BA


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