siddhant197 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Web Developer
Barclays•  May 2015 - Present
• Developed and implemented front-end using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery for operational users to serve customer queries, telephony applications and stuck applications, in turn increasing daily application decision ratio. • Implemented front-end for customer credit card web application with Jquery and created backend web-services using Ajax to dynamically obtain address information and RESTFUL API’s for existing customer checks & retrieving related data. • Developed and implemented various parts of OMT tool using HTML, CSS, Jquery and Node Js to provide users a UI for easy inserting\deleting live offers and viewing\updating of existing offers. • Identified live UI bug whereby double clicking on the final submit button was submitting the customer application twice. Proposed & implemented the feasible solution to avoid further scenarios. • Identified live session issue whereby customer applications of two different journeys are getting mixed up, because of which customers were wrongly on-boarded. Proposed & implemented the feasible solution. • Utilized knowledge of PHP, Javascript, Shell scripting, Oracle SQL to deliver automated portals serving business with day to day reports, analysis around customer applications reducing manual effort by up to 50%. • Designed and developed a unique feature using Java and front-end to provide dynamic required updates and changes to the PDF’s which are downloaded from the customer as part of CAPS application. • Live Deployments and automations using RHC, GIT commands, Jenkins and Bladelogic tools.
Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak (Haryana ), Rohtak
Computer Science, B.Tech•  June 2010 - June 2014
siddhant197 has not updated skills details yet.