Apoorv Sharma

United States


Aspiring Data Scientist | Graduate student at University of Washington




Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Hughes Network Systems•  June 2018 - September 2020

    • Envisioned and built a standardized file handler and manager, using object-oriented methodology in C++11 and SQLite. • Deigned and programmed a message queue library to reduce inter-process communication time by over 300%. • Designed and developed 10’s of scripts to clean, enhance and plot data, using visualization libraries, allowing developers to quickly gain insight and resolve customer issues with ease. • Pioneered and implemented a tool, using MEAN Stack, to collect and organize statistics from REST API’s on customer routers, to increase efficiency to debug and troubleshoot performance issues. • Conceptualized a methodology to allow users to make use of leftover allocated bandwidth, from ground station, to increase transmission efficiency, potentially by 15%. Co-authored this methodology as a patent writeup, with manager. • Conducted a seminar, for over 40 co-workers, on Apache Spark to inform and educate about data science technologies. • Improved rate-selection algorithm, allowing customers to transmit with 19% increased efficiency. • Formulated and implemented an improved power synchronization algorithm to reduce the time by over 20%; thus, minimizing the disruption caused to customers and thereby improving customer browsing experience. • Collaborated with engineers to enhance and automated testing tool, resulting in saving over 100 hours of manual testing


  • University of Washington, Washington

    Data Science, MS•  September 2020 - Present

  • Purdue University, West Lafayette

    Computer Science & Engineering, BS•  August 2014 - May 2018

    Relevant Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms Software Engineering


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