Santiago Urrego Botero



Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Full Stack Developer

    Freelancer•  January 2020 - Present

    Set up front-end structures, choose the suitable techs for the project and handle the code with better ways with typescript * Interview candidates that apply for the front-end position * Build highly re-useable React components and use storybook to create the documentation of components * Offer technical advices and solutions for other team members * Help maintaining some part of backend code with Django and Ruby on Rails

  • Senior Web Developer

    Wipro Technologies•  September 2017 - December 2019

    * Designed and developed the infrastructure and well-formed project of ICO and NFT marketplace DApp from scratch. * Built an exchange platform (hybrid - Centralized and Decentralized) for deposit and withdraw several kinds of coins and convert/exchange these tokens and ERC20 tokens as the bidding price or market price * Developed smart contracts for ERC-20 tokens exchange and management * Built the frontend using React.js / Typescript + Web3.js integrating phantom wallet connection


  • National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

    Computer Science, BE•  April 2009 - September 2014


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