Work Experience
iOS Developer
Xrevol Technology • November 2019 - May 2022
Xrevol Technologies is currently developing a mobile app specifically designed for parents to store and organise the memories of their kids. I am singly handling the app development. I am developing a storyboard app using swift 5 in Xcode platform. There is a UI/UX Designer who will provide designs in Figma - (earlier in Adobe XD) from where I can download icons and elements required for integrating designs. For this app - I have integrated google sign in, google drive sync up for which I am using Google Cloud Development Platform (GCD). I have integrated camera functionalities - capture photo and video using AVFoundation framework, voice recording functionalities, creating and managing documents, listing and viewing videos, photos, audios and documents. All these features can be grouped into different journeys like “Baby Daniel’s 0-1 year” or “Steve’s daily pick up from school”. Journeys can be associated with different filter tags like “Kids”, “Family”, “Music” (many to many relations with journeys and tags). I have developed notifications for smooth handling of the journeys - for example if the school pick up time is 3 pm evening, the parent can configure a notification for that time on weekdays (there are different options like daily, weekdays, monthly, yearly, periodically etc) so that when the parent reach the school at that time, there will be a notification for capture a pic or video so that the parent will have more chances to follow up the daily task to maintain the journey. Now I am enhancing notifications based on locations too in order to do the functionality more precisely. Currently I am in the development works for integrating web 3 storage (1 terabytes free now!) for storying these journeys. I am managing my works in trello platform. I will discuss the latest development requirements with my superiors and will add new cards after each release which will provide more information on that particular release (added features, fixed bugs etc) - Please see I also have 2 years experience in IOS - Swift 3 app development (during 2016 to 2018). I have developed storyboard apps with basic login and door access functionalities for the privileged users for access in order to support our aXs software project. Also there is another BLE integrated app developed on swift 5 for local door access which enhanced my experience on iOS development for connecting and communicating with bluetooth devices (door BLE systems, beacons etc). Please see
Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
Computer Science, MCA• August 2006 - November 2009
Master of Computer ApplicaOon (2009) - 74.14% College: Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala. Mahatma Gandhi University
Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam
Mathematics, BSc• July 2003 - March 2006
BSC MathemaOcs (2006) - 94.30% College: Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam, Kerala. Mahatma Gandhi University
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