Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Hitachi Vantara•  December 2018 - August 2020
1) Automated resume matching process using a word count model and decreased the time spent by recruiting by ~ 80 %. 2) Performed sentiment analysis on user ratings for organizations and developed a smart scoring algorithm for work happiness. 3) Designed an efficient data structure for user visit logging to calculate the user retention rate of a data catalog system.
Software Engineer
Oracle•  August 2015 - November 2018
1) Developed RESTful web service for bulk-uploading data using Angular, Java, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, Docker. 2) Optimized the duplicate row detection algorithm using a probabilistic approach and reduced time complexity from O(n^2) to O(n). 3) Integrated the charting framework ngx-charts into an ERP module and designed multiple UI components. 4) Developed an end-to-end (UML Modelling + Backend + Frontend) Bell Notification Feature.
Software Engineer
Altair Engineering•  May 2013 - August 2015
1) Developed a GUI Automation software based on open source equivalent Sikuli. 2) Expertise in implementing several (basic and advanced) algorithms in different areas of Image Processing (Read from/Write to an image to get byte_data, Gray Scaling, Thresholding, Laplace Edge Detection, Alpha-blending & Pyramid Template Matching of an image, OCR for Bitmap/raster screen fonts @96 DPI). 3) Experience in using Image Processing libraries such as OPENCV, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff. 4) Expert knowledge in Tesseract-OCR (an open-source OCR engine). Adapted existing code, achieving at-least 95% of accuracy in text-recognition for screen fonts compared to an earlier poor recognition.
Northeastern University, Boston
Applied Mathematics, MS•  June 2020 - Present
IIT, Kharagpur (Indian Institute of Technology)
Civil Engineering, B.Tech•  July 2009 - June 2013
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