sadanand_keerthi has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Everforce LLC•  August 2020 - July 2023•  Bangalore, IN
Client Project: -DA CSDF USE CASE Eligibility. Automated Python Script for Data Migration from Oracle to Snowflake and Teradata to Snowflake. Created an Internal stage in Snowflake for data migration and copied the data from CSV to the targeted table. Automated the INCR load from TERADATA to Snowflake and avoided duplicate data using UPSET operation (Merge into command). Created a Store Procedure to do some transformation of the data to calculate the eligibility code and called the Store procedure through Python for automation. Backtracking the existing workflow tables from Informatica.
University of Niagara Falls
Data Science, MS•  January 2025 - Present
St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore University
MSc in Big Data Analysis•  June 2017 - April 2019•  CGPA: 7.9
St. Aloysius College (Autonomous)
BS in Statistics, Physics, Mathematics•  June 2015 - May 2017•  CGPA: 7.3