Work Experience
Business Analyst Intern
Cognifyz Technologies•  July 2024 - August 2024•  Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Analyzed customer investment data to identify key trends across various investment avenues. Worked with Excel datasets containing customer investment information, performing data cleaning and analysis to ensure 100% accuracy. Reported on KPIs such as investment Avenue, Investment Duration, Common Information Sources, Reasons for Investment, Expectations from Investments. Identified high-potential customer segments, resulting in a 10% improvement in the effectiveness of targeted marketing campaigns.
Data Analysis Intern
Saiket systems•  June 2024 - July 2024•  Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Worked on a tele-customer churn project, Analyzed telecom customer data with features such as contract type, payment method, tenure, monthly charges, and service usage to understand churn behavior. Built a predictive model with an accuracy of 82% and an F1 score of 0.63 to forecast churn risk and enable proactive retention strategies.
Bharath Institue Of Higher Education & Research
Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  November 2020 - June 2024•  CGPA: 8.7