Syed Hamid Rahim



Machine Learning Engineer at Quantsys




Work Experience

  • AI / Machine Learning Engineer

    Quantsys•  March 2023 - Present

    Developed, debugged and maintained ML and AI software applications written in Python ecosystem, SciKit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch. Designed ML and Deep AI Models for different types of data (time series, sales, business data, images, etc.) and different output types (Classification, Regression, Clustering ...). Created stream learning models for forecasting, prediction, classification, anomaly detection, etc. Investigated the behavior of input and output data numerically. Investigated and optimized model performance. Solved complex problems with multi-layered data sets, as well as optimizing existing machine learning libraries and frameworks. Worked within a multidisciplinary team to understand clients business, data, and requirements and develop the appropriate AI or ML solution within our proprietary AI Machine.

  • Intern at Child and Women Development Program (CWDP)

    Islamic Relief•  February 2019 - August 2019

    Responsible for data collection from sponsored children as per CWDP roles of business, drafting field visit reports, and maintaining and updating information on sponsored orphan children in the Al-Yateem database on Salesforce. Researched monitoring tools for assessing the impact of sponsorship. Researched orphan identification and assessment process and presented recommendations.

  • Surveyor at Gallup Pakistan Survey Project

    Gallup Pakistan•  December 2014 - January 2015

    Collection of data and opinions of stakeholders belonging to different professional sectors.


  • University of Exeter

    Applied Data Science and Statistics, MS•  September 2021 - June 2022

    Programming languages: R Studio, Python Data Visualisation Machine Learning Data Mining Statistics Bayesian Statistics Data Cleaning Data Governance and Ethics Data Science an Statistical Modelling in Space and Time

  • University of London

    Economics and Finance, BS•  November 2012 - August 2017

    Microeconomics Macroeconomics Econometrics Quantitative Finance Industrial Economics


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